Friday, April 20, 2007

Why do I feel like crap?

People, my child is driving me stark raving mad. I am about to leave her on one of our neighbor's steps in the middle of the night.

For the past two nights, Porgie has been waking me up every 3 hours. EVERY THREE HOURS. And, my husband has been waking me with his extremely loud snoring. And, my dog has been keeping me awake with her extremely loud snoring. I actually started crying at 5:00 am this morning. I was soooo tired and everyone was sleeping except me. I was angry.

This is an outline of last night.
10:00 pm - John and I went into the bedroom to go to sleep.
10:45 pm - John is snoring sooooo loud that I can't go to sleep. I wake his loud ass and tell him to roll over.
11:00 pm - I finally fall asleep.
11:30 pm - John's snoring wakes me up again.
11:45 pm - I fall back to sleep.
1:00 am - Porgie wakes up screaming. I get up, fix a bottle, and go feed it to her.
1:30 am - I am trying to go back to sleep, but my fucking dog is snoring sooo loud. I consider locking her outside, but I know she'll bark. Damn dog.
2:00 am - I finally fall back to sleep.
3:54 am - Porgie wakes up screaming. I decide that she can't possibly be hungry, so I let her cry for a little while. She whimpers off and on until 4:50, when I get up, fix a bottle, and go feed it to her.
5:00 am - Porgie is sleeping, but now John is snoring. I punch him in the arm and he rolls over. Now the fucking dog is snoring. I get up and shake my finger angrily in her face. She stares at me with disinterest and goes back to sleep.
5:15 am - I am wide awake and miserable. I start crying because I am extremely pissed off. I just want to go to sleep. SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING ASS DOG!
6:00 am - John has gotten up and is leaving for work. I am convinced that I am going to die of sleep deprivation.
6:15 am - I FINALLY fall asleep.
7:00 am - Porgie is up and ready to play.

When Porgie woke up at 7:00 am, I honestly wanted to get in my car and drive to the nearest hotel - far far away from my precious baby. I just want a nice bed and silence and SLEEP.


tifferny said...

oh my god christy that is awful! i seriously wonder what is going on w/ porgie and why she isn't able to fall into (and stay in) a deep restful sleep. not good for either one of you.

as far as the husband snoring, i've been known to punch mike in his head. not proud of it, but i did it when i was pregnant and sleep deprived...obviously not to the extent you are!

god i wish there was some wisdom i could provide but i am one of the lucky ones whose baby sleeps through the night. although mikaela is now getting up a lot earlier than she used to (she used to get up at 7:30am and now it is closer to 6:00am) i am still able to get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. i sincerely feel for you. if i were in new jersey, i'd take porgie for a couple days so you could just SLEEP!

in the interim maybe you could try taking naps when porgie naps? i don't knwo if that would work or if it is something you'd be able to do, but if nothing else, it may help give you enough energy to at least function.

hang in there sweetie.

Bon said...

yep, awful. any chance John could go in to work late for a few mornings (or be the one to take her when she gets up over the weekend) so that you can at least catch up on a bit of sleep? Dave and i are still doing that...even though O really doesn't wake through the night anymore, thanks be to Jesus...but i haven't drawn that fact to Dave's attention!

seriously, i know it's not a perfect solution, but during the period (weeks, and then weeks again about a month later when he regressed) where i was "training" O to sleep through by standing with him doing shhpats the knowledge that i would get some sleep in the morning was all that kept me sane.

you have my great, great sympathies...and i hope this ends soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh Christy. Yeah maybe a nap with Porgie would do you some good.

Or Tylenol PM. for you. Not Porgie. I will help you stay asleep but still hear Porgie when she needs you.

Amber said...

I am so sorry Christy, it sounds like no fun at all! I don't have much suggestion other than the cry it out routine. It's hard at first but the more you do it the easier it becomes and soon enough your child should learn to soothe herself to sleep. I hope you get some decent sleep soon!

Anonymous said...

That sucks and is so unfair. The husband snoring is, btw, mostly why I still sleep in the nursery. And our cats are constantly scratching the sides of their litterbox making a racket in the night in the master bedroom, too.

Can you sleep in a guest bedroom at least to eliminate 2 of the 3 sleep disturbances?

Can your husband do Friday and Saturday nights and mornings so at least you can catch up then?

Can your husband do one of Porgie's night wakings a night maybe?

You could try aggressively sleep training. But that's really hard. Does she eat right before bed?

I'm so sorry. I really wish I could take Porgie for you for a day or two and you could get some rest.

Em said...

I honestly dont know how you are functioning, how auful!

Make your husband do a night and go sleep in sette or in spare room, you deserve some sleep!

misguidedmommy said...

this is why i wear ear plugs every night! both husband and son snore

Anth said...

I finally had to buy this package of earplus specially designed for women - they are pink and smaller than regular earplugs - and I wear them every night. And I finally convinced my husband to go to the dr, who promptly gave him a referral to the sleep clinic. So hopefully that will get taken care of. Maybe you could get your husband to go to the dr as well?

As for Porgie, I am sorry she's being such a (cute) trial. I think you're doing amazingly. After two nights of bad sleep, I get all weepy, so I have no idea how you are still functioning at all.