Saturday, April 7, 2007

I just want to go back to bed

Reasons why this weekend sucks:

1. Our neighbor died.
2. I burned the shit out of my arm.
3. John was called into work yesterday.
4. Porgie woke up at 10:00 pm and stayed up until 1:00 am last night.
5. Porgie woke up in mean and fussy mood this morning.
6. John was called into work again.
7. Porgie refused to take a nap.

*Edited to add* - The pipe under our bathroom sink started leaking too.


S said...

Sorry it's getting off to a rough start. Hopefully it will get better soon!

Anth said...

Well, cuh-rap. That sucks. Hope tomorrow goes better. Happy Easter. :)

Em said...

What a s**t day! can only get better!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the "day from hell"! Hopefully things are better now.
Happy Easter!

tifferny said...

i am so sorry about the string of bad luck! and your neighbor? omg?! please tell me this was a very elderly person who died peacefully in his/her sleep? how horrible...