Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My baby? She is still annoying.

I haven't mentioned Porgie's eating or sleeping habits lately. You might think that things have gotten better, but you would be wrong. Things aren't necessarily bad, just annoying. So, here is the last news.

Let's start with the sleep. Porgie continues to wake once or twice per night. As usual, she screams and cries until I feed her a damn bottle. Last week, she only woke up once per night, and she slept until 8:00 am. I was super excited about this new trend. I actually started feeling well rested. It was a amazing. AMAZING! But now Porgie has returned to her old ways. She is currently waking twice per night and getting up at 7:00 am. I am convinced that Porgie is going to continue waking me up twice per night for the rest of my life.

Actually, I have developed a plan of action regarding Porgie's sleeping habit. I am going to continue to respond to her promptly until she turns one. It is my hope that she will start sleeping through the night on her own. If not, I am going to start letting her cry-it-out during the night. I simply cannot continue my sleep deprived ways forever. Eventually, I will need to get a full night's sleep.

Let's move on to food. My baby is such an independent little lady. She continues to refuse the spoon on most occasions. However, she will eat Yogurt from a spoon. I have been giving her Silk Yogurt (made from soy instead of dairy). She loves it, and will eagerly open her little mouth for each spoonful. Some days, Porgie will even eat a little pureed fruit from a spoon.

I have developed a dinner routine, that is working really well for Porgie. We start every meal with frozen veggies. After she gobbles up the veggies, I give her a meat substitute - like Boca burgers or Morning Star chicken strips. When she finishes her meat, I give her a little pasta w/ spaghetti sauce. This is a nice comprise for us. Even though she eats pasta virtually everyday, she also gets some veggies and "meat." This has eased my mind and made meal times more enjoyable.

Overall, things are pretty much the same. Despite all of her little quirks, Porgie is truly a wonderful baby. She is so active now, crawling and pulling up and cruising. Everyday is exciting and fun. When I look at my healthy, active little girl, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly grateful. I am so lucky to have her.


Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

My kid didn't sleep through the night until about 12 months. Towards the end, he was only waking up once, but he was nursing and we were co-sleeping - the interruption to my sleep was very small, so it's easy for me to say it wasn't a problem. I realize not everyone can easily go back to sleep like I was able to.

Frankly, I think we expect too much of babies to be sleeping through the night from the get-go. But notice, how I said "I think"? That would indicate a mere opinion on my part. :-)

Anyway, he's now 18 months old and has been sleeping through the night since about 12 months - unless he is sick or teething or off schedule.

So, all I can really say - there's hope. And you just have to hang tight because with this baby stuff, sometimes that's the only thing to keep you from going to the dark side. Hang in there! :-)

S said...

Good to hear that Porgie is at least eating better. We're currently having that struggle.

As for sleep, K got better around 8 months, maybe only waking once a night. We had to introduce the cry it out method (albeit a slightly less harsh method) in order to get him to nap so I continued it overnight.
He's gotten much better (so far) and really only fusses when he's sick or teething.

You'll get a full nights sleep, don't worry!

Em said...

Nice to hear she eating well, shame about the sleep. You can do anything and cope with anything if you get sleep! I've not put it on my blog but we've resorted to cry out method and after 3days he was fine and a huge change.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I tried your pasta sauce trick, and it made her like her egg yolks!

I'm so sorry she's still not sleeping well. She's certainly old enough that CIO wouldn't be totally unreasonable if you figured out a way to do it that felt right to you. You definitely need your rest. I guess just try to stuff her with food during the day more?

I'm glad she's taking some more from a spoon. My baby wants everything on a spoon--she even wants me to hold the mesh feeder. And she wants to be in my lap when eating. We all have our weird issues!

It sounds like she has a great diet!

tifferny said...

yes you are very blessed. :) sorry to hear about the continued sleep (or lack thereof) drama. i know the eating situation isn't totally ideal but it sounds like porgie is eating a nice variety. good girl! as she gets older her taste buds will grow to accomodate more stuff. i can already tell you she's going to be an interesting toddler. :)