John and I weren't trying to conceive, but we are thrilled nonetheless. I am probably going to be telling you way too much information in this post, but you said you wanted details.
John and I have been together for almost 10 years (but we've only been married for 2 years). During our entire relationship, we have used the withdrawal method. We used the withdrawal method successfully for 8 years, until we began trying to conceive in 2005. When we stopped using this method, it took us two months to get pregnant with Porgie.
So after Porgie was born, we decided to continue using the withdrawal method. My OB kept trying to get me to start birth control pills, but I told her that it wasn't necessary. She sternly told me not to get pregnant for at least a year. (Oops)
John and I went happily on our way, continuing to use the withdrawal method. In March, I missed my period. I have always had irregular periods, so I didn't really think much of it. After two weeks had passed with no period, I decided to take a pregnancy test. When I urinated on the stick, it instantly came up positive. I was shocked. At first, I was convinced that the test was wrong. It was expired, right? No, it wasn't expired. I decided to go buy another test, so I didn't tell John that night.
The next morning, Porgie and I went to Target and got another test. I raced home and retested - twice. Both tests came up positive. I was happy, but nervous about telling John. I think I was nervous because this pregnancy was unplanned.
When John got home from work that night, I showed him the pregnancy test. He was overjoyed. He was so happy, that I kind of felt like an asshole for even worrying about his reaction.
So, I went to see my OB, who confirmed the pregnancy. I was scheduled for an ultrasound to date my pregnancy. Because of my irregular periods, Porgie's due date was pushed back by two weeks. My doctor figured that this pregnancy would probably be the same.
Last Friday, I went in for my ultrasound. Even though I knew that I was pregnant, I was still absolutely amazed when a little baby popped up on the screen, with a beautiful beating heart. All I could think was, 'WOW! I am going to have a baby!'
According to my last period, I was 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. According to the ultrasound, I was exactly 9 weeks pregnant. So, my due date was changed from Nov. 21st to Nov. 30th.
I am going to have a baby! AHHHHH!
Just to make those of you who are pregnant jealous, I have had virtually no symptoms with this pregnancy. (YAY ME!)