Saturday, March 31, 2007

I hate noses

Have you ever wanted to kill your husband for blowing his nose? Well, I definitely have.

Porgie woke up at 5:00 am, wanting a bottle. John got up and fed her. She was peacefully drifting back to sleep, when he decided to blow his nose. Now, he didn't just blow his nose once - he did it about 15 times. He was annoying me, but when he woke Porgie up, I became very angry. I asked him to go into the living room, which he refused to do.

I can honestly say that I wanted to punch him in the face. I am actually still pissed about it. Thanks to him, Porgie is now sleeping, and we are missing our swim class.

I know I sound irrational and crazy, but John is so fucking loud. He can't do anything quietly.

And besides, how hard is it to go into another room? GRRR


Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

sometimes, I feel like you are my doppelganger. seriously. my husband and I have had some MAJOR disagreements on his stupid loud sneezing, stupid loud stomping and his propensity to loudly close the bathroom door that is just outside our son's roommate.

Also - my Carter's store did NOT let me do a bunch of coupons at once. Fortunately, it is only about 10 minutes away, so I will be going there A LOT over the next few days because holy HELL - $4 an outfit?? Crazy!

Amber said...

That made me laugh! Cuz I can relate to it on a different level. See my husband was gone last weekend and for the first time EVER Taylor slept for five hours straight! And I contribute it solely to the fact that once taylor and I were asleep the house was completely quiet where as when he is around he stays up late watching movies and playing poker online and then Taylor wakes up due to this excessive noise!! It's enough to annoy me so I can totally get where you are still annoyed with it!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Sounds like my husband when he "whispers". My lord, the man's whisper is 100 decibels above any normal persons whisper. I am constantly telling him to stop whispering and just speak at a lower volume when we are going to bed at night for fear of him waking the baby that is 15 paces away. It's already bad enough that he wakes him up every morning getting ready for work. Argh!

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

Also - I DID get the green outfit. We must coordinate posting our inevitable pictures on the same day. (sorta like junior high, when you coordinated wearing the same shirt as your friends, perhaps??)

Bon said...

laughing. WITH you...seriously, i wouldn't want to cross you today. ;)

both Dave & i really do try to be quiet when the bebe is sleeping...and i'm usually as bad as he is about frigging up that plan...but lately he's taken to snoring. snoring!!!! he never snored. now, even when the baby sleeps, i don't.

and i am getting mighty cranky....soyou have my deepest sympathies.

S said...

Until this I thought my husband was the only one to do this. It's not that he does it on purpose, his "quiet" is just, well, loud. LOL

Anonymous said...

I hate how my husband is always snuffling his nose, and how his knees always crack when he walks. The baby can always hear him when he's walking around and I hate it when it distracts her from eating! And sometimes he closes doors really loudly and wakes her up. A few times he's sneezed and awoken her, too!

Living with boys can be annoying.

tifferny said...

what can i say? men are neanderthals. hey, at least yours is trained to use a tissue. mike just does that (nauseating) "snort it all back up into the head" thing. or even worse? the farmer's blow. OMG. sorry you had to miss swim class. i know that is something you and porgie look forward to. :(

kristi said...

Are we married to the same man? My hubs does this to and I want to slap the crap out of him.