Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My kid is smarter than yours

I know that its not fair to compare babies, but I can't help it.

I have been reading lots of blogs, where the author has a baby about the same age as Porgie. I read about all of the new things their babies can do, and I find myself feeling jealous. It seems like everyone's baby can crawl, pull up on furniture, and use sign language. Why can't my baby?

Porgie loves to push herself up on her hands and knees, but she never attempts to move forward. In fact, she typically just flails her limbs out straight after about 10 seconds. Sometimes she moves backwards, but not usually.

Porgie also loves to stand up while holding onto the crib rail or the coffee table. She can't pull herself up into this position, so I have to help her. She never attempts to cruise around while holding onto the furniture. Instead, she just stands there, flapping her arms in the air.

Okay, there is a really good reason why Porgie can't use sign language. I have never taught her any signs. However, I am beginning to feel like maybe I should.

I hate when I start feeling this way. I know that babies develop at different rates. But I can't shake the feeling that maybe I am doing something wrong. Is there any way to encourage her to crawl sooner? How do I help her understand the concept of pulling up?

I actually had to stop reading the various baby development books I bought shortly after Porgie was born. The milestone charts were starting to make me insane. I think I might have to stop reading some of these blogs too...


karengreeners said...

don't believe the hype! your adorable baby is a genius.

if it makes you feel any better, my daughter's partner in child care, luke, exact same age, was speaking in full sentences when bee would only mutter one or two-word exclamations. it was crazy. but, bee could hop - both feet off the ground. luke's parents were ecstatic - we heard she can hop!
yes, i said, your son speaks in full sentences, but my daughter can hop.

they truly will get there when they get there.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get concerned about Will. He's 7 1/2 months and he can't even turn on his i-Pod.

RELAX!! She's doing exactly what she wants, when she wants.
Will shows ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in crawling, or standing for that matter.

I figure that as long as he can roll to whatever he wants to get to, he'll probably skip crawling.

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

re: baby signs - While I am sure it is a fun thing to do with one's child, I had absolutely no interest in it myself so I didn't stress over it.

re: other babies - it is SO hard to not compare. SO HARD. It seems babies are ALL OVER the place regarding milestones and it's really easy to get hung up on one skill "lagging" when in reality, they are just focused on other things at the moment. Eventually, they usually catch up to each other, it seems.

I guess the only advice I can give is if you are reading a blog that geniunely makes you feel bad about yourself as a mother, stop reading it for your own sanity.

Christy said...

Everyone, thanks for the stories and words of encouragement. I can always count on you guys to make me feel better!

WHAT? Will can't turn on his i-Pod yet? HA!

S said...

I feel the same way. I read a message board and there's one baby who is the same age as K and he's walking already! K? K is all about easy and quick - that means if he needs to get from point A to point B he will drop and crawl.

It kind of bothers me that K isn't doing the same things as fast as this other baby, but then I have to remember that it all takes time.
It takes a concious effort sometimes.

Like everyone else has said, relax. : ) I know it's difficult. Porgie will get there and when she does, she'll amaze the heck out of you!

Amber said...

I think it's human nature to compare our babies with others. I know I still do it with my older one and he's 4! Kids definantly mature at they're own rate, but I understand where you're coming from. I had both my boys sleeping through the night at 6wks and Taylor is 2 wks shy of that and in no way shape or form is she even close to sleeping through the night and I'm trying my hardest to not get frustrated at that but it's still hard to not compare!

Ashley said...

It is so hard to not get into that trap but Porgie is so gorgeous and happy and is developing at her own rate. ALl kids end up walking, talking and they all have gifts and talents of their own. IT would be boring if they all did it at the same time. Try to relax and enjoy exactly where Porgie is at! IT is the perfect place for her!

Ashley said...

I was going to add.......if you are interested in doing signs......I started doing them every now and then when Aiden was around the same age as Porgie but not really consistently. When Aiden was around 13-14 months he signed back (I was caring for another little girl who used a ton of signs) and then I got excited and started signing more. He now does about 15 signs and some he has made up his own. For him it has cut down on frustration when he cant find a word and he will also sign and say the word........no pressure of course, but just letting you know that if you do want to sign, it is never too late! LOL

tifferny said...

lol. now, now christy we learned all about this child development! babies all develop at different rates. what they didn't teach us is that it really SUCKS when its your kid that is developing slower than the others. i think porgie is right where she needs to be. although sign language isn't a bad idea. i am starting to teach mikaela a few words like: more, love you, mommy, and daddy. i'll increase the sign vocab as she gets older.

Em said...

Only just started reading your blog but your little one sounds just like mine, my husband calls it baby olympics as i'm always looking what other babies can do! We are doing the same with both crawling and cruising - i keep lifting him and showing him how to crawl but he just does what he wants! Bless him - no pressure from Mummy!

They'll get there in their own time.

And once they've mastered crawing and walking we'll have moved on to wanting them to do something else no doubt!

Margo said...

First of all, she is sooo CUTE!!!

I can totally relate to how you feel. I've been there. I had all the same concerns with my first. I think most moms have had the same concerns, but they're not all willing to admit it.

Long story short, my first will be 4 next month and he's right on track. All my worry was for no reason at all. Bottom line, by the time they all enter school you can't tell who did what first, kwim? Don't worry about when she does what, just enjoy her. She's going to grow sooo fast. :-)

Anth said...

Oh bleh. I hope I haven't made Baby E sound advanced. She is exactly where Porgie is. Pulls herself up to her knees, but can't pull up all the way to her feet. Loves to stand (when I stand her up), makes little/no effort to cruise. Not signing. Admittedly, I've been really half-A abt teaching her signs. Also, only army crawling - no true crawling. She can't even clap. The clapping is the only one I feel a little angstsy about. Does Porgie clap? Ha ha