Saturday, March 24, 2007

A very scary 5 seconds...

On Thursday, Porgie and I went to the craft store. I was buying yarn for a baby Afghan I am making. I knew exactly what I was purchasing, so I didn't get a cart. I just plunked Porgie into her stroller.

I bought some super soft, beautiful yarn - white and purple. I also picked out a design for the blanket. After paying, we strolled out to the car. I unlocked the door and buckled Porgie into her car seat. I tossed the keys into my sweater pocket.

While hoisting the stroller into the trunk, I heard a jingly sound. As I absentmindedly closed the trunk, I saw my keys on top of the stroller, sparkling in the sunlight. It was too late. The trunk slammed shut.

Instantly I felt hot tears swell up in my eyes. I had just locked my keys in the trunk and my baby was stuck inside the car. I stared at her through the back window, and I started to feel panicky. Should I leave her to go call for help? Should I wait for someone to come out of the store? Should I just start screaming?

Suddenly I realized that the doors were unlocked - I had unlocked them to put Porgie in her car seat. So, I just opened the driver's side door and popped the trunk.

Man, that was a scary 5 seconds.


Anonymous said...

I've done that! It is one of *the* worst feelings in the world!

Of course I very rarely lock my car doors anyway. I drive a 7 year old Hyundai. Who would steal it??

Glad everything worked out for you.

Amber said...

I remember the very day that Connor was finally able to unlock the car door by himself, I felt so much more relivied and still to this day if I have just my younger two in the car I think about what I would do if something like that happened where they are both inside a locked car. I feel you pain! But I'm glad that all was okay and Porgie is safe and sound :-)

Ashley said...

That must have been so scary!! I am sooo glad that the car was unlocked. It is one of my fears too!

Em said...

I felt sick in the pit of my stomach reading that - i am so glad you don’t lock your self out. I’m very scared of doing that!

Slightly different story but …. I once hired a sander and had to return it following day. I went to put it in the boot of my car and as I dropped the boot door and as it landed I saw the keys next to it. What I’ve failed to mention is that I had parked my car down the street as parking was restricted near my house and locked my front door as it wasn’t a nice street and that I had nothing on my feet! No one around was home, I knocked on nearly every door, I eventually had to walk/run half a mile to pay phone to ring my Dad! But that point I was hysterical! Why didn’t I just break in to the car??

Anonymous said...

That is definite cause for freaking the hell out. I'm glad everything was okay in the end!

Anonymous said...

Oooeee, got your heart going, did it? I'm so sorry! That really sucks. But all's well that ends well. I've wondered what I'd do in that situation. It's a toughie.

Margo said...

That happened to me once with Stephen, except the doors really were locked and it was hot! I called 911 on my cell and an officer came within a couple of minutes. He got the door opened in a hurry and my little guy was sweating buckets! he didn't cry at all though. Poor kid. Anyway, I'm glad your doors were unlocked. That is such a yucky feeling!