Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The tale of the $1,000 camera

When I found out I was pregnant with Porgie, John and I rushed out and bought a camera. Not just any camera. We bought a $1,000 camera. Why did we buy such an expensive camera? I have no freaking idea.

John loves our camera. He takes extra good care of it, putting it away in its special little case. He doesn't even like to bring it to the YMCA, because he is afraid the humidity in the air will damage the camera. He also refused to bring the camera to the beach a few weekends ago - who will watch it while we are in the water?

As you might have guessed, I am not so careful with the extremely expensive camera. I leave it sitting on the table, take it to the park (and then leave it unattended in the stroller), and leave it running for ungodly long periods of time. At this point, I don't think John even wants me to hold the precious camera.

Because I am neurotic, I have to check on Porgie multiple times per night. I use the camera to navigate around in the dark because it has night-vision. This feature is super awesome because it allows me to take beautiful pictures of my baby sleeping. Like this ...

The other night, I went in to check on Porgie using the camera's night-vision. She was sleeping peacefully. I crept out of the room and went into the bathroom. Upon walking into the bathroom, I bumped into the sink and dropped the camera. It slipped out of my hand, slapped against the side of the bathtub, and finally slammed onto the floor. Ugh.

I flipped on the light and picked up the camera. It looked fine. After using the restroom, I walked into the living room to confess. Although John didn't say anything, I knew he was pissed. He turned on the camera. All of the pictures I had taken were gone. Then he tried to snap a photo. A message kept popping that said, "Still Images Disabled." I was fairly sure that we were going to have to file divorce papers over this one.

John, in an angry and sour mood, went to bed. I stayed up to fiddle with the camera. I took out the disc that was in the camera and replaced it with a new disc. Finally, the camera started functioning again - thank God.

The moral of this story is to take very, very good care of $1,000 cameras (unless you are looking for a reason to get divorced).


Anonymous said...

That's so funny. :) I recently did something to fuck with the expensive camera my husband got me when the baby was born. Boy was I in trouble!

LOVE the picture. So sweet. I wish I had a night vision camera! Neato!

Glad it wasn't broken!

PS: She wakes you up a bunch AND you wander the house at night taking pictures of her in her sleep? No wonder you are tired, lady! :)

Ashley said...

That night vision feature is super cool! I dropped our video camera awhile back and although the camera is ok, we lost all the data on the disc including Aidens 1st birthday party. I am still upset about that!!

Em said...

Funny! Kinda thing i'd do! Like it!

Sleeping pictures are so cute!

Anonymous said...

My cheap-o hubby bought me a $100 Kod@k Easy Share camera.

It doesn't have night-vision, but it *does* take a surpringly good picture.

S said...

Jealous of the night vision. Hope the camera continues to be ok.

Anth said...

Oh my gosh, funny! But only because it ended well. That sounds very much like something that would happen in my house (husband paranoid and prone to anger over material things, wife absent-minded and careless about material things). Oopsie!

Cool night pic.