Sunday, May 13, 2007

Monday is a fun day

I have my next appointment to see my OB on Monday. I am pretty excited about the visit because I will get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. However, I am also pretty nervous about hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

I think all pregnant women worry at this stage. I don't feel pregnant and I don't look pregnant, so my mind automatically worries that maybe I am not pregnant. I know that these fears are irrational, so I try to push them to the back of my mind.

John has to work Monday, so Porgie and I will be venturing to the doctor's office alone. I am a little nervous about this new adventure. What if Porgie screams and cries? What if the nurses and doctors roll their eyes and click their tongues?

I plan on bribing Porgie with crackers and wagon wheels. If all else fails, I will give Porgie my car keys. That kid can play with my keys for like 30 minutes. Apparently, keys are very fascinating (but I am sure most of you already know this).

I am hoping that my doctor will also have the results from my latest round of blood work. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I'll be frantically refreshing to hear how things went so you better update soon after you get back! I haven't had to take my son alone with me to the doctor yet. I've pretty much told my husband that unless he's laid up in the hospital, he has to be there to watch the boy. My son is way too curious and hyper to not be digging in the trash or sharps container. :)

I'm not sure if what you mean about people rolling their eyes is regarding a crying baby or that you are pregnant again, so if it's not about the latter, just ignore my little rant to follow. (Besides, if an ob office is offended by crying babies, they are definitely in the wrong profession)

I was really scared I was going to get lectured when we went in pregnant after only just having a baby 6 1/2 months earlier. But our doctor was really happy for us and no one at our clinic has said anything negative. Now, people out in public or even family members have made some not so nice comments.

What people need to understand is that no matter how far apart your kids are, it's NEVER easy. Even my mom would agree with that and my brother and I are 14 years apart. Just try and ignore any naysayers, they just don't know when to recognize a blessing.

Ashley said...

Have fun hearing the heartbeat!! That is such an exciting time. I hope that Porgie behaves in the Dr's office for you. Aiden would get scared about what the Dr was doing to me so sometimes I would warn him before that the Dr was going to check my belly etc. Treats are always a definite bonus and just remember to bring more than you think you will need! LOL

Suz said...

Keys and Cell Phones - I actually keep my old one charged, so it still lights up.

Mary said...

Hearing the heartbeat is always so exciting! It's definitely normal to have a little anxiety at this point in the pregnancy.

I'm sure that Porgie will be fine! I can always bribe Claire with my clutch; that always gets her to stop fussing.

Anonymous said...

I was terrified of my six week post-partum visit, because of having to take my baby, but it turned out to be okay.

Hope all is well and boring and normal for you.

Christy said...

I was pretty scared about being lectured too, but my doctor was also really great. She seemed extremely happy for me - and even gave me a hug.

I am probably going to bring the whole damn box of crackers - just to be safe. HA!

I don't have a cell phone. Have I mentioned my phone anxiety?

Anxiety is such a huge part of my life right now. I can't wait until I start feeling this baby move around. Actually, I can't wait until I have this baby in my arms.

I had to take Porgie to my 6 week postpartum visit too. Except, she wasn't very cooperative. She screamed and cried and then shit her pants. By the time I left, I felt frazzled and overwhelmed.

Bon said...

i wish you luck, Christy...and will be waiting for the update!

i had to laugh at the wagonwheels...i was thinking "those weird chocolate wafer/marshmallow things we used to get when we were in elementary school? for Porgie?!?" but now i see they are delightful veggie snacks...forgive my wrongthought. i gotta get O some of those apparently.

Em said...

Good luck!

Hearing the heartbeat will make it real, keep us updated!

Oh and the keys thing is the same with Billy, anything that isnt his toys he will play with.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!

I took Maggie to EVERY OB appt. until we got to the end & there were those wonderful internal exams. Yeah, she didn't need to see that.