However, we have a new problem. I suspect that lots of parents have this problem, but it is still extremely gross. Porgie likes to stick her hand down her pants - A LOT. I am constantly saying, "GET YOUR HAND OUT OF YOUR UNDERWEAR!" It is especially embarassing in public (and especially gross too). It is not really the hand down the pants that bothers me, it is the fact that her hands always smell like ass. Completely gross, right? We now wash our hands approximately 318 times per day.
It is always something! These darn kids keep me on my toes.
good job!! i know you are so excited about it!!
LOL. well, there is extra room in there now since there isn't a bulky diaper. She has to check it out! hehe.
Seriously, though, that ROCKS!! Yay Porgie!!!!
OMG. Now you get the "MOM, WILL YOU WIPE MY BUTT?!" when you have company over. :) hehehe.
Just wait until Izzy is older and his hand is permanently stuck down the FRONT of his pants.
Good Job on the potty training!
Um, yeah - Brea has a issue with keeping her hands in her pants as well.. it has gotten better.. I told her that her tooty and butt was going to rott off if she kept touching it, lol.
You're such a big braggar. :)
Uggh! Kalila's not doing that yet (thankfully) but she's getting big on scratching hers lol. She's in the naked stage though which is both cute and obnoxious.
Congrats on potty training though! I keep trying and haven't been able to keep up the rhythm with it. Too much getting in the way & I need to be able to push it aside and work on it w/ her.
uh i got nothin on this one :( the smell that is.
but yay for the official potty girl!! huge news mama!!
Just weight till Izzy starts having a good grope too! The joys of having kids :-)
Yay! Her hands won't smell like ass forever. Gotta take the good with the bad right?
Got nothing to say but, kids are awesome! Oh - and about Izzy - Jack does the same thing. Giggles when I hurt myself or he hurts me. Not cool.
Kids are the best. Seth has a fascination for his pecker lately. When he is naked, he can't keep from playing with it!
i don't even know what to say. hahaha glad to hear she is going on the potty. e poops on the potty and it is great. peee is a whole different story
i don't even know what to say. hahaha glad to hear she is going on the potty. e poops on the potty and it is great. peee is a whole different story
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