Friday, July 24, 2009


For days now, I have been planning on going to the aquarium. I decided that Friday would be the magical day. I even emailed a friend, and invited her to come along too. We agreed to meet at 10:00 am. Since Izzy has been sleeping so late, I asked John to set the alarm for 8:00 am. I thought that would give me plenty of time to feed the kids, shower, get everyone dressed, and make the 20 minute drive.

I woke up at 8:54 am. The alarm was going off, but the volume was turned down low and it was just playing static noise. FUCK! I jumped out of bed and opened my bedroom door. I was greeted by this...That would be dog shit. Fucking stupid dog. I hate her. Seriously, I HATE my fucking dog. She is a bastard.

Despite all of the drama, I somehow made it to the aquarium by 10:00 am. I waited. And waited. And waited. There was no sign of my friend. So after 25 minutes, I said fuck it and left without her. Fortunately, my friend found me about 10 minutes later. She had ran into traffic.

After we went through the entire aquarium, we headed outside for lunch. Porgie guzzled down her entire drink in 2 seconds flat. And of course I didn't have anything else to give her. She whined and cried and whined some more. When she finally calmed down enough to play with the other kids, it was time to go home. It was at this time that I realized that both of my kids had pooped. I hurried them to the car to change their diapers. I didn't have any wipes. At this point I wanted to cry. I just wanted to have a fun day with my kids. Why was that so fucking hard?

Today sucked.


Kris said...

Oh I am sorry! Hopefully your weekend will be great..

Danielle said...

Sounds like a shitty day!

Amanda said...

Tomorrow can only get better!

Unknown said...

I hate days with multiple poop situations.

Just Jiff said...

oh man. That sucks a LOT.

This is why we have outside dogs now. And why we have tile. The bedrooms have carpet but no food, drinks, stickers, crayons/markers, playdoh, or shoes are allowed on the carpet. We're the unfun parents.

Hope it gets a lot better for you.

Chris said...

I think if you see dog shit in the hallway when you get up, go back to bed and call the day done! Horrible way to start the day...

Jen said...

Oh man. I know how you feel about the dog shit. All too well.

But hey! The rest of your carpet looks very nice and white!

Alicia W. said...

SHIT! What a way to start a day.. late then your hallway covered in dog turds is not at all cool. Why does it always happen that way and then continue to be a SHIT day?

Hopefully tomorrow will be so much better! :)

Rachel said...

I know those days..remember the zoo? damn traffic and ugh damn dog. I hate that crap. They hate pooping in the rain. Sometimes it is just hard but way to go that you made it out.

what did you clean it with?

amanda said...

oh for the love of shit!!

once the same poop in the car headed home out of wipes scenario happened to me. i literally took her in to babies r u covered in melted ice cream with a poopy diaper. bought an outfit from the clearance rack, diapers, wipes. paid for it and then went back into the mom's room. where this poor brand new mom was with her adorable baby.

pretty sure i scared the crap out of her...

Kris said...

Once agian, apologies for linking this, but I'm in an odd mood and it hit me as funny... and very fitting to the situation. Hope you don't mind!