Monday, June 22, 2009

I got nothing

I have been staring at this blank page for 5 minutes. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I decided to just start typing, with no clear agenda. This is much harder than it sounds. My kids are both asleep. The house is quiet. I can finally relax. I think I pulled a muscle in my back. I am all achy and stiff. My kids are getting entirely too big to lift.

Hmmmm...I have been eating a lot lately. I have been baking cookies and buying donuts. Not good. I just can't seem to stop. I can feel my clothes getting tighter, but I keep popping more junk food into my mouth. I am going to try to start walking everyday. I tried to implement this plan a few weeks ago, but the damn weather wouldn't cooperate. It has been raining nonstop around here. Sometimes the sun peaks out of the clouds for a few minutes toward the late afternoon, but by then I am too tired to go for a walk. Damn stupid weather.

I haven't been hanging out with any of my friend lately. I haven't talked to my mom since she left New Jersey. At first I thought, why is everyone avoiding me? But the more I think about it, the more I think that it is actually me avoiding them. Sometimes I kind of isolate myself without meaning too.

I have been working really hard to not spend money excessively. It sounds like a simple goal, but it is actually incredibly difficult. I love spending money. I wish I was more frugal. I want to be a cheapskate.

Okay, I have rambled enough for tonight. Here are some pictures of my precious babies...


amanda said...

a) i will be baking cookies tomorrow. wish we could get together and eat them.

b) trying the walking thing everyday here too. last year i swear it was my religion, our morning walks. this year it's like one hundred million degrees and i can't make it down the driveway without turning into a big ball of sweat.

c) i do this too. the avoiding. i think it's normal.

d) as always, the babes are adorable.

Christy said...

try doing the walk first thing in the morning - that's what works for me, getting it done early.

Cute photos!

Alicia W. said...

Ahh, the joys of being in a FUNK! I know all about it, even with being medicated I still get in it. You'll break through with the support of your amazing kids and hubby. One great thing you didn't mention is how your kicking butt when it comes to your household projects. Which I'm dying to see the overall outcome of it all.

Take it easy, buy more healthier foods at the grocery store next time for you to snack on. If your like me.. if it's in my house, I will EAT IT ALL, lol.

Have a great day!

Just Jiff said...

I've been eating junk lately too. And the rain has stopped. Now it's too damn hot to go outside.

I isolate myself too, so I feel ya on that. I haven't even read blogs in almost a week!

Jen said...

Dude! You have been SO PRODUCTIVE with your household projects! I so wish I had that same enthusiasm at the moment. I bought the paint to paint our living room like 6 months ago or something. It is still sitting in the basement and my walls are still the same dingy white color. AAHH!

Carrie said...

I feel your pain. I just went to the vending machine and bought cupcakes. I don't need them I just wanted them and I couldn't stop myself. ARGH!! I had a healthy breakfast and lunch and will have a healthy dinner, but I go and blow it with 400 calorie cupcakes. If I had 75 cents, I'd go get some another one. I want it so bad. grrrr!

When did Izzy start looking like a little boy not a baby?

Bon said...

being a cheapskate isn't as much fun as it sounds...but i hear you on the cookies.

and i too isolate myself sometimes...cocoon until i am ready to be with the world again, licking whatever small wounds need healing and balancing out.

peace to you.