Saturday, July 5, 2008

Want to listen to me bitch and moan?

I have been one moody mama lately. I am thinking my period free days are almost over, because I have been acting a little loopy. I think everyone in my house is sick of my attitude. Honestly, I am sick of feeling like a bitch all the time too.

I have been extremely angry with John lately. Every little thing he does pisses me off. He came home from work late - I was MAD. He told our neighbors that we would come to their 4th of July party - I was ENRAGED. He didn't buy apple sauce at the grocery store - I was LIVID. Actually, I feel a little angry at him right now, and he didn't even do anything.

Porgie has been such a pain in the ass lately. She has discovered the fine art of throwing a temper tantrum, and likes to use her new skills on a daily basis. She screams because she doesn't want to eat. She screams because she doesn't want to go to bed. She screams because she doesn't want to come inside. I love her to pieces, but the screaming? I HATE the screaming.

Izzy has been sleeping horribly again. For awhile he was only waking once or twice per night, which was great. But something has happened, and he is back to waking 3 or 4 times per night. And napping? During the day, he only catnaps for about 30 minutes. Believe it or not, but I am actually more annoyed by the catnapping than the night waking. It wouldn't bother me if he played happily after a short nap, but he doesn't. Instead he whines and cries ALL DAY.

So, everyone is annoying me and pissing me off. I actually SCREAMED at John this morning. I don't think I have ever SCREAMED at him before. And it was over applesauce. Yes, applesauce. I just feel so angry, and I have to take it out on someone. Since I consciously try not to take it out on the kids, John has to bear the brunt of my moodiness.


Dana said...

it's ok to be moody... it happens to all of us.... Doens't it feel so much better to vent and let it out?

Amanda said...

It does feel good to get it off your chest though.. it's not good to keep those feelings inside for too long!!
And i'm the same with my kids, i hate all the screaming and whining, it really rubs me the wrong way :-/
Your not alone!!!!!

Tabitha said...

I am just the same ~ PMT big style!! Mine got so bad that I have started taking evening primrose oil capsules and that has helped ~ mine is usually only for a day or two ~ and the kids just stay out of my way ha ha!!!
Hope you are feeling in a better mood soon!!
lots of love and hugs to you XXXXXX

Unknown said...

OMG are you me. That's what I have been going through the last two weeks and I know its cause of my period, this mood thing sets in about 2 weeks before I start. Going to the doc on the 23rd. I was on lexapro but it made my ovaries hurt so wanna see what else is out there that will calm me down.

Kris said...

It happens... and he'll get over it lol. I'm sorry things have been rough though.

Anonymous said...

Wow...well, you have a lot on your plate and not getting good sleep is not helping. Z and Porgie must be long lost relatives or something...they just sound too much alike. Is Izzy teething? Have you tried teething tablets? That might help him sleep better. Z was off of them for a long time....but those darn molars are coming in now and taking their sweet sweet time!
I've got no advice for you on the're on your own there. HA! He should help you on the weekend...take a night to get up with Izzy so you can get some sleep.

misguidedmommy said...

rob told me once, "i wish you would just yell at me" soooo the other day i had just had it and i yelled (i never yell at him every maybe 2 times in 7 years) so he says "you don't have to yell" so i shouted, "YOU WANTED ME TO YELL SO I'M GOIGN TO FUCKING YELL NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME YELL" so then he yells and i replied "if i cant yell neither can you" and walked off, it was super grown up!


I am moody too...I have not have my period for over a year..and I have cramps but nothing..either
come or DON'T! Did he ever go get the applesauce? tee hee

Danielle said...

I am glad to hear I am not the only bitch! I know what you mean with the naps! Eliza wants to be held. I tried laying with her but that doesn't seem good enough for her. If we didn't co-sleep she would be up all night too. Feel free to bitch and moan as often as necessary!!

Awake said...

The screaming - I understand how it can get to you - my daughter's particular scream is at a pitch I didn't recognize until now. ouch.

If you couldn't bitch and moan - you'd go nuts - don't beat yourself up over it.

Mama Smurf said...

I'm sooooo feel'n your pain. Been there darl'n! That's why we all make others feel "normal"...

normal is relative dontcha know...

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

Anth said...

Oh it is so nice to know I am not the only one. I have been feeling so angry. Dh and Miss E have been making me crazy. Only Ace gets pure lovey-ness from me. Dh is on paternity leave, which sounds nice, doesn't it? But think about the reality of spending 6 weeks at home with your husband, and I think you might see why I am on edge. And Miss E with the tantrums, and the WHINING. I'll post about it all later. So you won't be the only one moaning.

Not Just Any Jen said...

I totally get this. It is so hard with a baby who doesn't sleep well. It really does take its toll on you and, really, everyone.

I know how you are feeling, and it does get better and easier with time. Hugs.

Blazing Goddess said...

I believe what you have is what should be medically recognized as the Stay at Home Mom Syndrome. You are around these (mostly) adorable little people who make your heart physically ache with love.....and your brain atrophe and leak out your ears as you literally FEEL your IQ points drop daily. There is little to no adult interaction at this stage of life. It's a real happiness killer sometimes. You're mad at your husband 'cause (as much as you love him) he doesn't have a clue. He doesn't ever really have to deal with this lack of mental stimulus. He spends all day being mentally stimulated and comes home exhausted, and his day is kind of over. Your day, on the other hand, IS NEVER OVER. There is no over for the mom. It's one of life's basic inequities. It's hard not to feel a touch resentful about it sometimes. If I was you, I'd talk to a counselor. I did. It was enormously helpful to be able to talk to someone who had no stake in my life. Nothing I said in the heat of the emotion could cause damage to people I loved.

A Mom Two Boys said...

Oh...jeez. I totally hear ya. Shouldn't hormones have settled down by now? That's totally a glitch in our evolutioin. I'm feeling exactly the same way. And I just started my period again for the first time. It hasn't helped. I almost FREAKED OUT on the kids yesterday.

Totally hear ya.

Bon said...

the screaming (child) combined with the lack of sleep...dude, no wonder you're boiling over.

sending you love.

Carrie said...

ooh Baby! Do you need a break! Do you have a sitter? I'd get her to watch the kiddos for a couple of hours one day, so you could get way and take a break. Go to the movies or sit at a coffee house or go shopping or drop them over at her house and spend a few hours in your house, alone. Noting is better than that!

Big hugs!

kristi said...

Oh honey, I scream all the time! Well, not all the time,but frequently.

My hubs has been pissing me off too!

Mommy Mechanics said...

uhg I feel the same way. And I swear your Izzy and my Trey are like long lost twins. Same thing like a 20 minute nap and then he throws himself all over the floor and wants to be held but doesn't want to be held all day and then sometimes tries to fall asleep in his highchair while eating dinner. Aaaah it makes me want to scream and cry like a baby lol, not really. But yes I am totally feeling like a bitch lately too.