This toy will entertain your baby for approximately 30 seconds...
This toy will entertain your baby for approximately 3 minutes...
This toy will entertain your baby for approximately 7 minutes...
And this toy will entertain your baby for an hour and a half...
In case you are wondering, that is an apple - the funnest toy EVER.
I shit you not, the kid happily chomped on that apple during Porgie's entire nap. So, the next time a friend or relative asks what little Billy or Sally would like for his/her birthday, don't forget fruit!
She is hysterical!
If you have an almost-2 year old boy, I HIGHLY recommend a common screwdriver. FUN for an HOUR. Kids kill me.
It is always the simple things - like apples and the box that the gift came in that are a hit.
I love his thighs!
Ain't that the truth! Amen Mama! :D
It's so refreshing to see a child prefer fruit to television.
WOW!!! Who knew fruit could be so fun!
He is so cute!
OK, so I have to admit, I've been reading your blog for a while now, but I was just too scared to delurk myself, so here I am. Out in the open. :D
How did you know when you could give Izzy his first "real" food and not baby food anymore? I'm so confused about what to do for my daughter!
Enlighten me, oh wise Mommy! And you can check out my blog, if you want....
Lindsey :)
It's always the packaging they love!!!
oh honey that is just too stinkin cute!! seriously!! and that last shot - those really must be some sharp teeth :)
I will keep that in mind! I am good with fruit, who needs toys?
I LOVE it!!! I love his chunky little legs too!!!
Hahaha SO TRUE! To think of all the money I've wasted on store bought crap....grr
he is sooooooooooo cute and funny, christy!!! those eyes are to die for;)
now, if you could only figure out how to entertain the other 22 hours, 19 minutes, and 30 seconds... you would most certainly be a millionaire:b
omg that is the cutest. Why didn't I think of that, an apple lol
Who knew! I'm sure you will stock up on apples now!
Seeing Izzy that apple makes me thing I am a little too neurotic about giving Eliza regular people food! She just had her first teething biscuit today.
OMG ~ he is just so sweet with those 2 little teeth!!
At least I know what to get my children for Christmas (tee hee!!)
love and hugs to you XXXXXXXX
ha. if only i could entertain the six and ten year olds with an apple for 90 minutes..
That is hilarious!!!
Love the pictorial....especially the Izzy pics... ;)
looks like someone REALLY loved their apple!!
He really has like the CUTEST checks...
cheeks.... LOL...
Oh my GOD GET THIS. My husband was SO CAPTIVATED by your photography (he went by as I was reading this post) that he laughed and wanted to read the whole thing and said "nice shots." I am so jealous! He never pays attention to MY blog. It's like he was checking our your tits!
That is halarious.. and adorable... and our kids have the same toys!!! That rattle was Kalila's favourite when she was 3 mo's old or so.
I haven't let her have at an apple like that yet though. I know she' love it (loves apples) but applesauce gives her such a bad rash that I've decided to back off on them for awhile. I feel so bad about it though because it was her favourite.
To Linsey and Adam - check out it has a lot of good info bout all that stuff.. even if ya dont use the recipes :-)
I haven't tried that one yet! But I know how you feel, you never know what they'll play with. Even if they LOVE playing with it while in the store, chances are when you get it home and take it out of the packaging they will look at it and disregard it.
A few friends and I said we should each box up our toys and every few weeks we should switch with one another. It would save a lot of money and kids always love other peoples toys. It would be like getting new toys every few weeks. Of course, we have yet to actually DOING it. :o)
you kid is huge. HUGE HUGE HUGE! i love it. i want to squish his thighs . brandon used to love apples just as much
OH MY GOD! Look at those choppers!
this morning codi was absolutely mesmerized by a shoelace on one of robs shoes.
That is awesome! I will have to give fruit a try! Sophia prefers anything that is not a toy. She would gladly play with a boring spoon or water bottle than her fancy multicolored toys that I spent too much money on!!
I just wanna squish Izzy's wittle cheekies!! So cute!
That is to funny and he is so cute in that last pic! oh the tooth!!
Ha! I love it.
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