*Motherhood has taught me to savor the little things - like a shower, sleep, and a hot meal.
*Motherhood has taught me to never hold a baby up in the air and rub my face on his belly. This will cause the baby to spit-up on my face. Have you ever tasted spit-up?
*Motherhood has taught me not to judge other parents, because next month my child will be acting just like that little bastard in the grocery store.
*Motherhood has taught me that a new box of crayons is the funnest toy EVER.
*Motherhood has taught me that poop isn't so bad. I talk more about poop more than I'd care to admit. But, I think we have more poop problems than most people.
*Motherhood has taught me that Steve is way cooler than Joe.
*Motherhood has taught me that it is entirely possible to function on 3 hours of sleep.
*Lastly, motherhood has taught me that life is beautiful. I couldn't be happier with my little family.
What has motherhood taught you?
motherhood has taught me that everything passes -- the good and the bad.
also, i just have to say i am so happy to find someone say steve is better than joe. really. i want steve back -- and we don't even watch blue's clues anymore. (my kids are 6 and 10)
its taught me most of the things you mentioned
Puddles are STILL fun to splash in!
Sunlight dancing through the leaves can mesmerize.
Nothing beats the smell of a freshly-bathed little person.
That, YES. Your mother is a saint for putting up with all of your crap when you were your kids age.
The Johnson & Johnson commercials are right. Having a Baby Changes Everything.
Savor the moments. They grow up too fast.
Motherhood has taught me that couch cushions are made for jumping, stains don't discriminate whether or not the kids are wearing nice clothes and last but not least, motherhood has taught me that I have more love inside of me than I ever thought possible!
Got here by All Mediocre, love your blog! Congrats on being featured!!
It has taught me that there are more important things in life than having a clean house.
Love your blog! Your kiddos are the cutest!
To never take anything for granted and to truly enjoy each moment with your children, the good and the bad. Just because we have them here today, doesn't guarantee the same for tomorrow. God that was morbid wasn't it?
What an awesome blog. I totally agree. I have read a few posts of non mommies and been like, oh you just wait honey!
so, i don't have kids yet, but i've been a nanny. and being a nanny has taught me many of those same lessons. especially that steve is way cooler than joe. (also? kind of sexy in a dorky sort of way.)
oh, and don't let sick kids drink carrot juice. when they throw up on you, it's bright orange. :(
Found your blog at AllMediocre and will definitely be back!!!
P.S. I'm not a Mom (yet), but I do have a niece that is 4yrs old and two nephews (11yrs & 16yrs old) that are just about the best form of birth control evah!!!!!
it has taught me that my Mom is a saint and I still have no idea how she did such a great job with the 3 of us. It has also taught me that those little moments of laughing and playing are more important than anything else.
Here from All-Mediocre!
Being a mom has taught me that I don't know everything and on some days I don't know anything. But I enjoy learning right along with my little one.
Motherhood has taught me that I am toughter than I think. Mother has taught me that a simpe smile heals the heart. Motherhood has taught me that I really should write down when I shower because I forget..GREAT POST!
Thats a lovely post. Motherhood is alot harder that it looks!
But the fun and cute moments make up for the hard times:) ( crying and lack of sleep )
i totally agree about steve and joe. in fact, i've gotten ellie not to like joe and now she doesn't want to watch it unless it is steve!
i've learned that no matter how frustrated or mad or tired you are, if you take a few minutes to relax, cuddle a baby and breathe deep- it will all be fine.
Sara tells me I worry too much about how they (her and TC ) look. She says, "Mom.......I don't have to look ALL THAT! We are just going to the dollar store!"
My reply, "Sara, you had better go comb that nappy head. And brush those teeth!"
But I am not as OCD as my Mom was, especially on the housework.
I have learned that having fun with my kids is what they will remember. We swim, have picnics, color, play games. And my house looks a mess sometimes! OH WELL!!
One lady at my job tells a story of raising her sons (she was a single Mom). On Saturdays, they would make mayonnaise sandwiches and go to the park. She said once her kids grew up, her oldest son told her how much he enjoyed going to the park and eating those special sandwiches. She told him the reason the sandwiches only had mayo on the is because she couldn't afford anything else.
He never knew that, he just remembered having a great time.
How cool is that?
Sara tells me I worry too much about how they (her and TC ) look. She says, "Mom.......I don't have to look ALL THAT! We are just going to the dollar store!"
My reply, "Sara, you had better go comb that nappy head. And brush those teeth!"
But I am not as OCD as my Mom was, especially on the housework.
I have learned that having fun with my kids is what they will remember. We swim, have picnics, color, play games. And my house looks a mess sometimes! OH WELL!!
One lady at my job tells a story of raising her sons (she was a single Mom). On Saturdays, they would make mayonnaise sandwiches and go to the park. She said once her kids grew up, her oldest son told her how much he enjoyed going to the park and eating those special sandwiches. She told him the reason the sandwiches only had mayo on them is because she couldn't afford anything else.
He never knew that, he just remembered having a great time.
How cool is that?
Motherhood has taught me the real meaning of unconditional love XX
can i just say ditto to all of yours?
seriously my list is long.
but can i also just say how much i love this post?
and those pictures...love em :)
I'm not a mom yet... But I think I'velearned a lot from you and things that you've done.. Thanks for sharing about your joys of motherhood!
I just keep telling myself that one day I will miss this (i even named my blog that so that I would remember!!) But, I still struggle to enjoy the day! My oldest just turned 17 so there is light at the end of the tunnel... what was the question? what has motherhood taught me? no matter how hard I try i will still mess up and if they survive and are even semi wonderful adults it will be by the grace of God!!
Great post! Mothering has taught me that I am not nearly as patient as I thought i was. I never thought I would try to think of additional body parts to shave while in the shower just so I could hide in there longer!
Motherhood has taught me that I can handle any amount of throw up coming my way or poop too.
I have also learned that I will do anything to protect my child and that I have never loved anything or anyone in the world as much as I do my son.
It has also taught me that I am never alone in my feelings. Other moms feels the same.
hi, christy:)
motherhood has taught me many, many things over the past nearly 16 years. but, the biggie is that time really does fly:S
cherish every moment!!!
Motherhood has taught me that no matter how "busy" I think my kids are, as soon as I pick up the phone they will need a snack RIGHT AWAY.
Time outs are for moms as well as kids.
And jelly beans can fix almost any problem.
Cute pics by the way!
So true. Motherhood has taught me patience and unconditional love. It has taught me also to live in the moment and enjoy every moment with Ellie... she amazes me every day and I am so thankful for her.
That little bastard in the grocery store still annoys me though... j/k
Motherhood has taught me that no matter how many years you have to ponder it, NOTHING prepares you for the twins getting their drivers licenses!!
Those pictures are adorable!! They're getting so big...
I honestly cant think of what motherhood has taught me at the moment.. my brain is a bit fried!
Off the top of my head I guess that I'd be doing things that I never thought I would lol...
oh and don't let baba play w/ baby after eating... because you know she gets passed right back here to throw up on me!
I'm off to go answer that mommy call...
Motherhood has taught me that conversations can revolve around poopy diapers.
I have learned that toys and pictures the kids want to show apparently must be looked at a point blank distance from my eyes. Whenever my kids want to see something they stick it right in my face.
Oh ya Joe's got nothing on Steve. Steve rocks.
Motherhood has taught me about patience and joy.
And it has taught me that I am stronger than I ever thought possible.
And i like Joe.
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