Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stream of Consciousness: Part 5

Breakfast foods are gross. Just ask Porgie. For some strange reason, I can't get Porgie to eat any foods that are commonly consumed for breakfast. Suddenly she hates yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, waffles, veggie sausage, and hash browns. I have basically given up on breakfast foods. This morning Porgie ate peas and pasta.

In the past, I would get the crayons and drawing paper out for Porgie once or twice a month. She would scribble for a few minutes and then she was bored. Last week, she decided that she really liked drawing. She spent hours coloring. When I tried to put the crayons away, she flipped out. So, I gave them back to her, because who wants to fight over crayons? Every morning when Porgie wakes up, she sleepily says, "co co?" And we have to go get the crayons and drawing paper. She is such a little sweetie.

For few months, Izzy's skin looked perfect. It was soft and smooth and beautiful. I thought he had escaped the dreaded eczema that has plagued Porgie for the past 20 months. Unfortunately, things have taken a tun for the worst. He has a sandpapery rash on his forehead and a round spot of eczema on his back. Darn. I seriously need to buy stock in this lotion, because I spend a fortune on it every week.

My personal hygiene habits have really gone down hill lately. Have you ever tried getting in the shower, while caring for two young babies? Not easy. It is so difficult, that I often opt to just wait until John comes home before I get in the shower. The problem is that John works late a lot. By the time he gets home, we have just enough time to eat dinner before putting Porgie to bed. The bathroom is right across the hall from her bedroom and there is no way in hell I am going to risk waking her up. So I am dirty and stinky A LOT. Too much information? Maybe.

I think my milk supply has gone into the crapper. For the last week or two, Izzy refuses to nurse during the day. Instead, he likes to binge eat at night. After hours of trying to get him to feed, I would go pump. By this time, I was usually engorged and uncomfortable. However things changed this week. Izzy is still not feeding very well during the day, but I am no longer engorged. Babies are a pain in the ass.

Sleep deprivation continues to kick my ass. I am so jealous of mothers who have babies who actually sleep. I am so jealous, that I kind of hate them. Just a little. Okay, maybe I hate them a lot. If your baby is a great sleeper, I am rolling my eyes at you right now. Bitch.


~melinda~ said...

i just found your blog and i think it is hilarious. mostly because i have two little rugrats exactly 17 months apart and my first 6 months was utter hell also. but it gets better and it must be nice to hear that people can be more whiny and grumpy than you are at any given moment (and i me!)

mine are 4 and 5 now and i'm grateful for the age closeness. four years ago: not so much.


Antropóloga said...

Peas and pasta--I love it! Yeah, Baby Nora is starting to get the gist of coloring. Hey, can you shower WITH Porgie? I do that sometimes. And Baby Nora loves the shower so much she stays in there and plays while I get dressed. I'm sure the milk stuff (like I am some kind of expert on nursing) is just that thing where your body stops OVER producing and regulates to what the baby needs. Right? Plus, he's a fatty, so he should be fine with less. Or maybe you should ask someone who knows about that stuff!

Just Jiff said...

yeah, I agree with eva... try showering with kiddo and see if they like it. If not, you at least tried. :)

I'm no expert either...I'm due with my first in 75 DAYS. Not that I'm counting...

~melinda~ said...

forgot to tell you that i was a teacher in my former life also. oh, the similarities...

Papa Bradstein said...

Hey, just slather on the patchouli oil to cover the stink. You might even be able to get into a Dead show for free that way. Oh wait, they broke up. OK, never mind that last part. Or just tell people it's the result of an intensive ayurvedic cleansing process.

Paula said...

Ella has just gotten into the coloring thing too, except all she wants to do is put the crayons is take the crayons out of the box and put them back in. Doesn't actually color...

Anonymous said...

I love these glimpses into your life.
I have to admit, I don't usually shower on the weekends. I sleep until the kids get up. Joe works weekends, so I'm on my own for the day.

Stefanie said...

On my days off some times I don't get a shower and I don't even have an excuse! You can get away with it.

Nellie said...

Oh my god you make me laugh! :)

E is the same way with coloring. It is ALL she wants to do. But the worst part is that she wants us to do it with her all the time and if we don't she freaks. It is totally annoying to color with a 1 year old all day long. Totally annoying.

She says "cula, cula" over and over until we get the crayons out!

misguidedmommy said...

silly goose, your milk supply is just getting used to izzys eating habits and not producing as much during the hours it knows he wont drink it.

kristi said...

Well, I do really feel your pain. And my kids have never slept 6 year old STILL doesn't. I hope things get better for you!

Jen said...

So I tried to solve the whole "showering while my husband is gone" conundrum today by taking the baby in the shower with me. I figured win-win right? We BOTH get clean! UM WRONG. WORST IDEA EVAH! Apparently Coleton HATES showers- something about the water falling from the sky onto his head.

Or maybe he just hates seeing me naked. ; )