Monday, February 18, 2008


Sunday started out like any other day. Porgie woke up, she ate a bowl of cereal, and she happily played with her toys. Around 11:30, John put her down for her nap, while I put Izzy down for his nap. I thought our plan was perfect. We were going to enjoy some baby free time.

However, this dream was quickly dismissed. Porgie refused to go to sleep. She played for a while. Then she talked to herself. Then she laughed at all the hilarious things that she was saying. And then she whined until she fell asleep at 1:15. She was awake in her crib for almost 2 hours.

Although I didn't want to do it, I woke Porgie up at 2:15. If she sleeps much past 2:00, she usually has a hard time going to sleep at night. She seemed fine for most of the day, so I thought we were golden. Around 5:00, John decided to wash her beloved blanket, Night-night. Although this is always a risky move, the blanket was filthy and really needed to be cleaned.

For the first hour, Porgie didn't realize that Night-night was missing. Around 6:00, she started getting really fussy. By 6:30, she was driving everyone insane with her whiny attitude. I asked John to give her a bath and get her ready for bed. I thought her blanket would definitely be dry by the time she finished her bath.

I got her undressed, and she happily ran into the bathroom. John lifted her into the tub, and suddenly she started screaming for Night-night. Nothing could console her. She was crying so hard, she started gagging. I ran down to the basement, and opened the dryer. Her blanket was still very wet. Yes, her blanket was WET, and she was having a meltdown, and I had no idea how to fix the situation.

John got her out of the tub and dressed her for bed. Porgie was still screaming uncontrollably. She proceeded to walk around the house yelling, "Night-night," while hot tears streamed down her cheeks. We tried to tell her that Night-night went bye-bye. We tried giving her other blankets. We tried holding her and rocking her. Nothing worked.

When we were at our wits end, John ran down to the basement and retrieved her damp blanket from the dryer. Yes, we sent her to bed with a wet blanket. And all was right with the world again.

Porgie and Night-night


Papa Bradstein said...

Ah, the best laid plans of mice, men, and mommies...on days like that, I remind myself that no child stays awake for more than 24 hours, so eventually Mama and I will get a break...and what am I talking about, anyway? I'm at work all week. But still, I hear you.

Anonymous said...

"Then she laughed at all the hilarious things that she was saying" HA!!
Isn't that the cutest damn thing ever? Well, except when you're trying to get them to go to sleep, that is.

Nellie said...

Oh, poor sweet baby. Isn't it just the funniest thing theses little ones and their blankeys... E calls hers B. I hope she went to bed for you after that and slept all night.

I think I am going to give E a little longer time in her crib when it's nap time and she doesn't want to sleep. Usually I trudge up the stairs in dispair when she is screaming her head off cause I just can't stand listening to it!

Amber said...

I have a feeling Taylor will be doing that in the next few months! She has her favorite blanky that we take everywhere with her since she was 4 days old!

Antropóloga said...

The things we do to make them stop crying. :)

Mojavi said...

lol OMG lol... no sorry I should not laugh.

I have absolutely no idea about these things my daughters blankie is my boobs! Weaning her is going to be hell...

Stefanie said...

How sweet, I remember my first blankie. Now on to another note. You have been tagged. Check out my latest post to see it.

Rachel said...

Well I have to say I understand because I had a blankie that could not be taken away from me. I slept with blankie until I was 20. Yeah I know that sounds crazy but it was safe for me and made me feel ok.

Poor momma and John. Poor Porgie.

Rachel said...

Well I have to say I understand because I had a blankie that could not be taken away from me. I slept with blankie until I was 20. Yeah I know that sounds crazy but it was safe for me and made me feel ok.

Poor momma and John. Poor Porgie.

Shawna said...

Poor Porgie. That must have been horrible.

She sounds adorable cracking herself up in her crib.

misguidedmommy said...

so cute! so so so so so cute

Kris said...


Kalila has her first fav... that stuffed lion in the pics lol. I'm waiting to see if we end up with a blankie or whatever she decides to call it. We have enough of them for her to choose from lol.

kristi said...

I have given TC a wet robe to wear because he was DRIVING ME NUTS to be a "Star Wars guy".