Monday, February 4, 2008

Babies everywhere!

We watched my friend's daughter, who I'll call Bunny, on Saturday. Surprisingly, adding one more kid to the mix wasn't all that difficult. The only time Bunny cried was when John tried to feed her a snack, and her tantrum was short lived. Porgie didn't know what to think of her. She avoided Bunny for the majority of the day, preferring to hang out in the livingroom instead of the playroom.

Bunny's presence made me think about a possible baby number three. It really wasn't any more difficult to care for three children, than it is to care for two children. I wonder if you are so crazy after having two kiddos, that a third one wouldn't even phase you?

Of course, I am nowhere near ready to have another baby. Actually, I am not even ready to have sex yet. Way too scary. At my six week check-up, I got a prescription for the mini pill, but I never had the prescription filled. I am afraid that the pill will affect my milk supply. So, I have decided to practice abstinence instead. I think John might have a problem with this plan, but we are both too tired to even discuss it.


Carrie said...

Abstinence....snicker, snicker. I sure John is going to love that.

I was under the impression that you don't ovulate when you are breast feeding, so you can't get preggers.....

Christy said...

I am not taking any chances!

Anth said...

Ah, the ol abstinence method...sooooo effective. But leads to such a grouchy husband!

I am now marveling at the idea that caring for three isn't much harder than caring for two. But mostly I am still freaking about going from one to two. Ha ha

Rachel said...

Well Scott dealth with the fact that I had my garage door closed for a while. When I was breast feeding, I did not care for it. I had no feeling or want and they say..the hormones you produce make you feel so full-that some women do not even miss it.

Don't put pressure on yourself-I am sure John understands.

Rachel said...

Also, while you are breast feeding-you can use the films for contraceptives. I can send oyu the link by email. My midwife gave them to me and they totally worked but use something because tons of women get prego before they get a period.

Nellie said...

Hah! We only have one and are to tired to even discuss it lately!

To tired and maybe a bit hungover (at least this weekend anyway!)

Kris said...

I haven't heard info about pills affecting breast milk, but I have about the shot... so I'd assume it's possible.

We do the NFP method, which I love... but am a bit freaked out at the moment because it's not the easiest thing to do, esp when your still nursing & everything is out of whack. As much as I'd love number 2.. I'd prefer to wait a bit lol.

Oh & to the comment about not ovulating during breast feeding. This is true to an extent. If you do so full time (every 2 hours, before they start sleeping through the night) it's like 90% effective or something like that. It goes down once they begin sleeping through the night though... & you can be ovulating w/out having a period if you are still nursing (after that point I mean) apparently (cousins midwife is the source on that one & it appears to be true).

Shawna said...

OMG I totally wrote you a post teasing you about getting pregnant again this week-end while your friend was watching the kiddos, then deleted it because I embarrassed myself.

What you said about more kids is true from what I hear. My mom had five and she said going from zero kids to one is a HUGE life adjustment, going from 1 to 2, is also hard but 2 to 3, she said you don't even notice that you have another one. I have a hard time believing it is true, but I have had others tell me that too.

Glad things went well.

The sex thing, my husband would of FREAKED the eff out. There are other things besides doing things that might lead to pregnancy. (blush blush)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I've watched up to six kids at a time, and it's no more work really than two. Just more laundry and food I guess! The older ones really help and keep everyone entertained.

Greg said...

What is funny is that it was K that was ready at 6 weeks and I was the one who did not want to do it yet.

I was totally worried that I was going to hurt her somehow, and yes even get prego right away again....