Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We need to win the lottery

When we lived in Kentucky, John had to travel to New Jersey or Pennsylvania ALL THE FREAKING TIME. He was out of town for about two weeks out of every month. This situation was very tough on me because I had to cook my own dinner. I am not kidding - I was a spoiled. spoiled girl.

When we decided to start trying for a baby, I was eager for us to move to the east coast. I wanted to spend more time with John, and I wanted him to be available for our baby. Soon after I got pregnant, John's company offered to relocate us to New Jersey.

When we first moved here, John worked late periodically. However the majority of the time, he was home by 5:00 pm. After Porgie was born, he still managed to maintain a good work schedule. He was home on time most days, ready and eager to play with his baby.

Unfortunately, things have taken a turn for the worst. John and his co-workers are swamped with work. He usually begins his work day at about 5:30 am, and doesn't get home until after 6:00 pm. That is roughly a 13 hour work day. I am pretty pissed about this new development. On an average day, John gets to see Porgie for about 30 minutes before she goes to bed. It makes me sad that he gets to spend so little time with her (and with me).

And this month is going to be even more difficult. John will be out of town for 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS. I am pretty sure that Porgie is going to be incredibly sick of looking at my face all day long. And I will be exhausted because I am 27 weeks pregnant. Count them people - 27 weeks.

So, during the next month, expect an inordinate amount of bitching and moaning from me.


Rachel said...

I am so sorry to hear about John traveling so much. That stinks for mommy, Porgie and baby on the way. I am sure it makes oyu bothg angry and sad. I am sending you warm hugs

JC said...

Wow.three weeks is a long time...I should not complain about my week alone. If your hubby is going someplace cool, can you go and Porgie go with him maybe?

Antropóloga said...

That's no good. Husbands need to stay in the home and cook dinner and help care for babies. I can't stand even for my husband to come home late! You poor thing. Complain to me as needed. Also, consider having an emotional affair with a chef.

misguidedmommy said...

robs job used to have shit hours but great pay but brandon didnt know him. finally we made the choice to take a drastic pay cut but get normal hours. it is a struggle but it is sooo worth it

Amber said...

I hope you make it through your three weeks okay!

Anonymous said...

That really i shit! Poor you! I get pissed that Tosh is sometimes late and by late i mean he's in at 510pm norm and if its anything after that i am mad! Mainly tho coz i hand Billy over to him and i can get stuff done with out a little monster pulling my trouser legs!

Thats hard work and full time with out any help! Yuch! You complain as much as you like you deserve to!

Anth said...

Poor all three of you!! That is so awful. I think my husband would go into baby withdrawal if he didn't see Baby E for three weeks. Shaking on the floor in the fetal position. John probably will. You will have to talk him through it over the phone. :(

Anonymous said...

That's what we're here for honey, bring it on.

Suz said...

Wow...that will really be hard, but you will get through it. We need to win the lottery too; I hope that it comes through for at least one of us!