Thursday, October 28, 2010


John's boss is in New Jersey for the week, so he took our family out to dinner last night. AWESOME. I love free food. However, I couldn't actually eat much because of my freaking braces. Every time I took a bite of my veggie burger, tons of bread would become lodged under the arch wire. It was gross, and I was feeling a little self-conscious with this unfamiliar person sitting across from me. Gah. I ended up taking almost my entire meal home with me (which I promptly ate as soon as I was in the comfort of my own home). Damn braces.

In completely unrelated news, Porgie has officially learned how to use scissors. We have been working on this skill FOREVER. For the longest time, Porgie insisted on holding the scissors upside down and tilted in at an odd angle. I tried repeatedly to show her the correct way to hold scissors, but she just refused to listen to my advice. She is left handed, so I thought that perhaps she needed left handed scissors. But that didn't really seem to help the problem. After watching some online tutorials (approximately 138 times), something clicked in her little brain. I can now give her a cut and past activity, and she completes it independently. It is great. Now, if only I could convince her to wipe her own ass, we would be all set.


Just Jiff said...

LMAO! Omg. That last sentence made me spew coffee!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

I totally just chuckled out loud. That was awesome. :). Good luck to you (and Porgie).

amanda said...

yay for scissors and yay for dinner on the boss!!

Laura Marchant said...

Yay on the scissors! We are still working on that and the butt wiping in this house.

Lainey-Paney said...

Few things to avoid while in braces: hamburgers or anything on a bun, ribs, & corn on the cob.
Those are the only things that come to mind right now...