Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Festival 2010

This weekend our town held their annual fall festival. We go every year, but this time was different. Porgie had so much fun. She rode EVERY SINGLE RIDE. And then she rode them all again. Izzy, on the other hand, was a little overwhelmed by the crowd. He clung to mommy and daddy (like a good LITTLE BABY should). We finished the festival with ice cream and pizza. It was a magical, wonderful day.


Jenny said...

So cool...I just love fall festivals!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Mmmmmmmmm... That ice cream looks goooood. I love Fall!

Clare said...

wow that looks super fun, that slide is huge!!

amanda said...

omg look how big that slide is!! i almost lost my lunch just looking at the picture!! she is sooo brave!!

Mary said...

What fun! I can't believe how big the kiddos are getting!