Monday, July 12, 2010


We went to the beach again this weekend. Completely and totally AWESOME. It is a great way to have fun with the kids on the weekends. And best of all, it is free! Well, not really, because the state of New Jersey makes you pay to go to the beach. Can you fucking believe that? It is only $18 for a beach tag (for the whole season) and kids are free, but it is the principle of the whole thing. Fuckers.

I love cheesecake (mmmmm...). Unfortunately, I never get to eat cheesecake. Because I can't stop thinking about cheesecake (mmmmm...), I have decided to bake one. I am looking for a good eggless recipe. Any suggestions?

I want to move. I know that it is a crazy, impractical dream. But I really want to move to a more rural area. I am sick of living so damn close to other people. I have been a city girl all my life, and frankly, I am a little sick of it.

My husband's vacation is coming up. I am super excited. We aren't going anywhere special (because we are poor), but I have a busy week planned for us nonetheless.

Remember my swollen gum from last week? Well, my orthodontist just scratched his head and told me to go to my regular dentist. Gee, thanks doc. You are so freaking helpful. I tried to make an appointment with my regular dentist, but the earliest I could get in was August! What the hell?

I have declared Mondays to be "Baking Days." I make bread (I have been baking homemade bread for the past month!), muffins (for my husband's breakfast), and a delicious treat of some sort (perhaps Rum Pudding Cake this week?). I thought all this baking would be annoying, but honestly it feels good to be productive!

Speaking of baking, I need to get started:) Peace out homies.


Jenny said...

baking mondays sound awesome! when are you going to bring back your cupcake recipes??

Carrie said...

yummm. Fresh bread. I am going to have to copy you and make some. I'll make up some pizza dough too while I'm doing that.

amanda said...

just for the record if you ever bake too much on monday, i am available to help you eat it on tuesday.

Anonymous said...

That is why I go to Strathmere. Free beach. We buy tags every season, but mostly just for the bulletin board. Now that the kids are getting more daring, They actually went in over their KNEES!! last weekend. We are seriously considering going to Sea Isle beach for the lifeguards. I hate parking in SIC.

In THIS heat? You turn the oven on??? I don't even saute when the temperature reaches 90.