My little man is almost 2 years-old. It is amazing how quickly he has grown. He can do so much stuff - he just recently mastered the skill of jumping with both feet off the ground. We are all very impressed with his gross motor skills. He is such an active little boy!
While I know that he is growing and developing, I also seem to be convinced that he is still an itty bitty baby. For example, when Izzy was a newborn I used a sound machine in his bedroom. Although he isn't a newborn anymore, I have continued to turn on white noise at bedtime. It reminds him of sounds from the womb! He'll sleep better! Right? Last weekend it occurred to me that he isn't a tiny baby anymore. So, I stopped using the sound machine. And Izzy is actually sleeping better than before - he is taking longer naps and is sleeping about 15 minutes later in the morning.
I also have a very bad habit of doing too much for Izzy. I take off his jacket and shoes, without even letting him attempt to remove these items by himself. It is not impatience that causes me to do this, but forgetfulness. I just forget that he is a capable and smart toddler. In my mind, I have to take the BABY'S coat and shoes off. Izzy has rebelled against my forgetfulness, and he now screams bloody murder if I attempt to remove a shoe from his foot. And guess what? He is really good at taking his clothes off. When did he become so coordinated?
I guess I have been holding onto my little baby, even though he is struggling to be a big kid. Izzy is changing and growing right before my eyes. He doesn't need me to carry him, he wants to run. He doesn't need me to buckle him into his car seat, he wants to snap the harness together by himself. He doesn't need me to feed him, he maneuvers his utensils like an old pro. He doesn't need me to do lots of things that I used to, and it makes me sad. My baby boy has grown up too fast.
I love that you posted this because I tend to do the exact same things with Brody.. He is my baby and will always be.
:( I know. I want to bottle up their sweet little voices forever.
I could have written this... just change the name. We never did the noise machine, but there's plenty of other little things. Clothes are a big one... Only Kalila has no desire to do it herself and when I let her try I end up frustrated lol. I need to seriously work on that. But instead I keep thinking of her as a baby... when everyday she does something new that just blasts in my face that the opposite is true.
LOL last night Jas was saying he wished she could stay a baby... That phrase bothers me a little, but I comp understand what he meant.
We still do the noise machine, but in the form of running the bathroom vent all night. Probably a waste!
I still think of Cole as a little baby too- but everyone that meets him thinks he is THREE! THREE YEARS OLD! They're like= whoa- he's not even TWO?!
Yeah... apparently he's not a baby anymore : (
amen sister.
my hairdresser was the one that finally called me out last weekend. she said the reason i didn't want to potty train her is bc i think she is still my baby.
and i am afraid she is right.
i find myself falling into the same traps, i need to be better about letting bradley be independent too! it is hard!
I do far too much for my children. They barely know how to put on their on shoes (and I mean the 4 year old). This is something I really need to work on...
I looked at my 7-month-old today and thought, where did the time go? He's my third and my last, and I relish every moment, but time seems to flying faster with him, it's bitter sweet.
I could have written this too. They grow so fast. The last one (for me) is so hard.
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