Friday, January 11, 2013

Spending like I am rich, when I am actually poor.

This basement project is quickly snowballing into a HUGE project.  The problem is that I like nice things.  I crave nice things.  And once I get started, there is no stopping me.  Originally, I was just going to paint the basement.  Then I decided that we needed to replace the ceiling tiles.  Before I knew it, we were looking at new carpet, selecting recessed lights, and picking out curtains.  I can't seem to stop!

The crazy part is that we hope to move soon.  Why am I trying to sink every penny in our bank account into the damn basement?  I just can't half-ass any home improvement project.  I have always thought my house was kind of shitty, and I want to live in a nice house!  So I just keep sinking money into this bottomless pit.  Since moving into this house, we have replaced lots of big ticket items (roof, furnace, air conditioning, fence, sidewalk, front steps, landscaping, and MORE) .  We'll never make that money back.  I need to stop.

I have these dueling voices in my head.  One voice says, "What if you can't sell the house?  You might be living here for another 10 years.  Fix it up and make it nice!"  Then the other voices chimes in, "You are going to sell your house at a loss!  Stop wasting your money idiot!"  Blah.  I don't know what to do.  If I could just find a bag of money, everything would be awesome.


antropologa said...



allyk said...

Enjoy it all and have fun!

Chris said...

I can so relate! You want to be able to enjoy it while you're here, but not spend so much money that you regret it when it's sold. Stupid decisions...

amanda said...

i am so thankful you have two voices in your head too!