Monday, June 21, 2010

As you know, my husband and I often butt heads over the whole vaccine issue. Although I am pro-vaccine, I do expect our pediatrician to respect any decisions we make regarding vaccines (regardless of his opinion). At Porgie's last visit, the doctor seemed very agitated with my request for a titer test. I was kind of irritated at his nasty attitude, and I commented to a friend about his unprofessional response. She wasn't surprised, because she claimed that doctors make decent money from the vaccine industry. I largely dismissed her claim, and just assumed that the doctor was irritated because I broke from the status quo.

Last week I received a statement from my insurance company for Porgie's 4 year check-up. On the statement I noticed that I was charged for two office visits. The first one was for a preventative exam ($190) and the second one was for a sick visit ($140). What? This didn't make any sense. She wasn't sick. So even though my insurance company paid the entire claim, I called the pediatrician's office to find out what this second charge was for.

You will not believe this, but the doctor charged me $140 extra because I asked him for advice regarding Porgie's constipation. WHAT THE FUCK? Apparently I am not allowed to ask questions or seek advice during a well check-up. I told that woman I spoke to that this was insurance fraud, and that I intended to report it to my insurance company. She told me she would talk to the doctor and call me back.

I am honestly heart broken over this whole incident. I feel like maybe my friend was right. The doctor isn't concerned about the health and well-being of my child. He is only concerned about money. Since I refused the vaccines, he just charged me for an extra office visit to make up the difference. Why else would he charge me a total of $330 for a 10 minute office visit? Maybe I am reading too much into this. Perhaps he just charged me the extra $140 out of spite.

So now, after fighting with my insurance company for 5 month (FIVE MONTHS!) to have my current pediatrician covered, I am in the process of trying to find a new doctor. I am disappointed and sad.


Laura Marchant said...

This happened to me at my son's well visit appointment. She was routinely checking his ears during his well visit and found he had an ear infection. Charged two visits. When I called and asked why I was being charged two visits they said it was because the doctor had to step in and diagnosis something and write a prescription for it. I couldn't believe it.

Just Jiff said...

WOW. Whether or not you agree to have your child vaccinated, should have NO effect on how your ped bills you. You were responsible in that you had your kid tested to make sure she had immunity first.

I wish you lived near me. I could direct you to incredible pediatricians.

:( Hope it gets straightened out and that you find a pedi you can trust.

Jenny said...

That ROYALLY SUCKS! It is so sad to me bc you think you become a dr. because you want to be one but this dr. just sounds like he is money hungry!
I hope you can find a new ped. for your kids!

Kris said...


Seriously I'm shocked. I know I shouldn't be, but I am... Good grief our pedi gave us advice on Kalila's health at Zavier's visit w/out charging us extra! And we're doing something diff w/ shots too lol. She's not happy that we're questioning one though... is ok with delaying them/alternative schedule but questioning one equaled her shoving an info packet (by the vax company) in our face lol.

Anyways... I'm sorry you have to look for a new one now. I would to after that. I hope it gets straightened out w/ the insurance company in the meantime. That's just wrong!

Antropologa said...

Ooof, that's weird. And it really sucks.

amanda said...

please tell me you are joking? please!! that doesn't even seem right? not even a little bit??

totally going to ask my doctor at my next apt...

Lainey-Paney said...

Ok---never mind the fact that it was a well-visit & a sick-visit, all at once. Really, doc? Which one was it? Was Porgie well, or sick? Hmmmm???