Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The only one I can depend on

After getting my braces, my teeth hurt for about 3 solid weeks. It hurt to eat almost everything. My front teeth became super sensitive to any amount of pressure. Then last week, my mouth started to feel better. I even ate a sandwich (with bread!) on Saturday. It was amazing.

Yesterday I went in for my first adjustment. And holy shit, my teeth HURT. I am such a wussy. I am never eating food ever again. Except for ice cream. Because ice cream can heal all wounds.

I love you ice cream.


Jenny said...

ice cream is definitely a savor for sure! since being sick my diet has been limited and i ate a sandwich the other day and it was so GOOD...

Lainey-Paney said...

.....and pudding.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Thanks girl for your kind words. I hope your teeth feel better.

Rachel said...

yummy-ice cream diet

amanda said...

and the ice cream loves you right back :)