Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ballet Class

Yesterday was the BIG day. Ballet class finally started. Porgie was beyond excited. Here are some pictures of her right before we left the house...We wanted to walk to the school, but it was raining. Porgie was a little disappointed, but she perked up when we started driving...We arrived a few minutes early, and Porgie happily danced around the lobby...The teacher arrived, and Porgie went off to learn more about ballet. She said goodbye, without ever looking back. My brave girl! I watched her entire lesson on a TV in the lobby. She did great! She followed directions and imitated the teacher. I am so proud of my big girl.


Laura Marchant said...

That's awesome! She looks so cute.

Just Jiff said...

She's so adoreable!

Stefanie said...

How cute, I bet it was a blast to watch :)

Marni's Organized Mess said...

How cute!

Chris said...

Beyond cute!

Clare said...

so incredibly cute!! i love it!

amanda said...

totally freaking adorable!!

msprimadonna67 said...

Holy cow, what a cutie! I love little angels in tutus!