Friday, September 11, 2009


Don't you hate PMS? I start doing really bizarre things right before my period. I'll be really angry, then really happy, and finally I'll cry over something insignificant. Today was bad. I cried several times. I never cry. Since the inappropriate crying sessions, I have felt completely numb. I have been sitting in a daze for most of the day, thinking about stupid ass things that shouldn't be important to me (but they are). Sometimes it feels like too much - all of the expectations placed upon people in our modern society. We have so much to worry about. I don't know where I am going with this. I am just feeling sad. Sad about little things that shouldn't matter.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no! I want you to smile!

Quick, go watch this video. No, seriously. And it's safe for the kids.

Kris said...

I'm sorry! Hope it gets better soon

dani said...

pms sucks!!!

Danielle said...

awe! Hugs!

I had my numb crying day today!

amanda said...

oh i so hate when i get in this place. it's so hard to come out of it some times...

hoping you are better today :)

Just Jiff said...

*HUGS* We all get like that, so you're not alone in it.

Love you!

Alicia W. said...

I dread that time of month.... so does my hubs and kids.. I turn into mega bitch

Anonymous said...

Happens to us all. I do it too...get in really deep philosophical moods. Hang in there :)

Rachel said...

I know you just read my post. I hate hormone stuff and I feel so nutty when I have pms-it has only been bad pms since having kids-maybe my body will go back to normal one day. HUGS to both os us!

Cristina Mathers said...

i do understand, and i am sorry! pms is so lame!!