Painting is a bitch. I always dive into painting projects, thinking that it will be fun! And I will feel productive! And it will only take a day or two! Easy Peasy! Obviously I am a complete moron, because painting is never fun, I certainly don't feel productive, and it takes FOREVER.
My living room still isn't completed yet. I live in a teeny tiny little house. I should be able to paint the entire house in about 3 hours. But dammit, I am on day 4 and there is no end in sight. I no longer use painter's tape, and I think that is what is slowing me down. The first few times I painted a room, I applied that ghetto-ass tape to every edge in the room. And the paint always bled underneath, defeating the entire purpose of using the tape. So, I do everything by hand now. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so it take me about 200 hours to cut around one door frame. Gah. I'll be done someday, and then I'll post the lovely pictures for little old you.
My husband had a work conference to attend in Indianapolis this week. He moaned and groaned about the conference for weeks. And like every other conference he attends, he called me everyday to tell me how much fun he was having. Why is my husband so annoying? Seriously, he couldn't be anymore annoying.
In summary, I haven't accomplished anything this week, and my husband is annoying. What's new - right?
After painting every single room in our house, let me give you a couple of pointers. :) Get something with a straight edge. The paint dept at Home Depot or Lowe's should have them. Use that instead of painters tape. Tape is a bitch and the paint bleeds through and then the tape never comes off in one strip. I hate that stuff. So do the edges close to the ceiling and doors and the corners first with a brush. Then get a roller that lets you suck the paint into the handle. Then you push a little button to release the paint out of the handle into the brush. You will be able to paint the rest of the room in a matter of minutes. We have used ours over and over. It's AWESOME.
Email me if you need a photo of what I'm talking about. This roller is like $20 and very much worth it.
to get painter's tape to work---to really work w/o bleeding underneath: caulk the edges of the painter's tape where the paint will be going.
You put the tape down.
Let's say that you are going to paint up to the bottom rim of the blue tape.
You put a SMALL bead of caulk there. Smear it in at the edge/blend it/rub it down that it is not a bead, but rather a smooth transition from the wall to the tape. Let the caulk dry about 30 minutes. (who are we kidding? by the time you're done caulk smearing at the end point, the start point should be dry & ready to paint!)
When you peel the blue tape off---you should have crisp perfect lines.
I am the same way with painting! I too think it is going to be a super easy job and then weeks later I am still not finished! ugh! I hate the taping and cutting in part of it.
when we first moved into our house i painted literally every single room. by myself. and i thought i was awesome.
this time with the basement - not so much. i swear i didn't remember it being so hard. and so darn boring.
it sucks getting old doesn't it?
At least you are painting! I have seriously had a gallon of paint sitting READY TO BE PAINTED ON THE WALL for like, I dunno, at least 6 months. If not more.
Husbands are annoying. My husband always whines about going on business trips and then calls me from some bar where he is having a great 'ol drunken time with his clients. Jerk.
Hey, at least you have the drive to attempt a job like painting. I've lived in my house for over 4 years and our bedroom is still white as a ghost... I loathe painting. Ick.
I would love to paint... but would prob end up dragging it out like you lol. Hope the rest goes well though!
the painting is going slowly here, too, christy:/ and my john is on a golfing trip. i'm totally empathizing with you on this one!
oh my god, i hate painting too!! i hope it is going better!!
Painting sucks. The end.
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