Thursday, September 3, 2009


Do you think about having babies a lot? Because I think about it all the time. One day I REALLY want to have another baby. The next day I REALLY don't want to have anymore babies. Gah.

But I find that seeing babies makes me want a new little baby to snuggle. We were watching a documentary on African wildlife last night. The film featured a baby elephant and his mother migrating to find water. OH MY GOD, that baby elephant was so cute. And it triggered some weird response, where I was convinced that I wanted to have another baby. I went to bed last night thinking about babies.

This morning we were coming home from a play date, and I spotted this little guy...
To show you how small he was, here is a picture of my ginormous finger...

My heart melted. Awwww...a baby firefly. How precious and sweet.

What is wrong with me? I think mother nature is trying to trick me into having more babies. Why do all these babies have to be so adorable and perfect and small?

Fortunately, my husband is a sane person, who is not persuaded to have more children because baby elephants and fireflies are cute. Thank goodness!


Marni's Organized Mess said...

... and I have the opposite problem! Mine wants 8!! EIGHT FREAKING BABIES?!!?!?

Alicia W. said...

Fireflies are cute but babies are expensive and loud. I have often found myself wanting another then I think about how much we spend in childcare and playdoe and that nips that shit in the bud quick.

Clare said...

you always make me laugh!!! i love it!

Just Jiff said...

I want more babies too, so I'll ooh and ahh with you. :)

Antropóloga said...

Yeah, baby bugs would def not trigger that in me. I actually seem to like babies of all kinds less as time goes on. My little girl may be an only.

Jen said...

Today I randomly decided (while walking down the street) that I wanted NO MORE CHILDREN! I was DONE! I wanted to move in with my life and career and not do the baby thing EVER AGAIN!

Then this evening Cole was sleeping all cute and making cute facial expressions on his ADORABLY CUTE LITTLE ROUUUUND FACE and I realized that soon that round little face would be replaced with an angular KID face and then...

I thought that maybe I could have ONE more... Maybe.

Kris said...

Understood... babies do that to me too. Thankfully my husband wants more too though lol.

amanda said...

baby elephants are really cute.

msprimadonna67 said...

I have three amazing and beautiful children. I was never convinced I was done, even though my now-ex didn't want anymore. Then e got divorced and a few years after that I remarried. I'd love to have one more--share a baby with this amazing man I love. Looks like, though, he and I found each other a little too late in our biological clock phases. I am incredibly blessed with the family I have, but I'm tellin' ya, seeing all these people I know who are pregnant (and baby elephants, and baby fireflies...) still stirs up a little baby lust in me that gets crushed about once a month.