Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dental stuff

Porgie went to her first dentist appointment today. I know, I know - I am way behind schedule. The good news is that she didn't have any cavities. YAY! The bad news is that her thumb sucking is causing her to have an open bite. This is a problem that I have no idea how to correct. Porgie doesn't suck her thumb much during the day, but she always sucks her thumb when she goes to bed at night. Obviously I am not in the room with her while this is happening, but I can hear her slurping on her thumb over the baby monitor. The doctor suggested going into her room once she is asleep and pulling her thumb out of her mouth. I am going to be completely honest with you, I am not going to do that. Because what if I woke her up?

Tomorrow is Izzy's first dentist appointment, and I am hoping it goes just as smoothly as Porgies. I am guessing that it isn't going to be as carefree, because last November Izzy's doctor pointed out that he seems to have a deficiency with his tooth enamel. I am keeping my crossed that it isn't a big deal.

In completely unrelated news, I plan on getting back into the swing of things soon. I feel like my blog has been drab and dull lately. I have only been skimming the surface of lots of issues, which makes for incredibly boring blog fodder. Sorry friends.


Jenny said...

Good luck with the dentist appt. I am totally dreading will's first appointment. I am waiting tell he gets closer to 3. There is no way he would even sit in a chair right now!

amanda said...

dude i sucked my thumb till i was almost 12. over bite and all. braces. blah blah. i think i am doing ok for myself. don't go wake her up. she will live. promise!

mamaski said...

Have you heard of "Thumbuddy To Love" to stop thumb sucking. Some dentists carry it..if your does not, you can google it...

Lainey-Paney said...

good luck w/ the dentist, and good luck with the whole no-thumb-sucking thing.

Mary said...

Does Porgie have something that triggers the thumb sucking (besides going to bed)? E used to suck her thumb, but she only sucked it when she had her "night-night." It was like she was completely incapable of sucking it without the blanket.

Amanda said...

My son is almost 8 and i can't get him to stop sucking his thumb! If you find a way, let me know!!

I hope Izzy's appointment goes well.
Amanda x

Just Jiff said...

I wouldn't risk waking her up either.

I need to schedule an appointment for Bayley. She turned 2 at the end of March.

Anonymous said...

We are in the same sitaution with the thumb-sucking. Not even trying to solve the night-time thumb-sucking.