Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have fallen in love with The Happy Housewife. Really, she is the exact opposite of me in most ways, but I still love her. She is very passionate about living a frugal life. She has seven kids and zero debt. That is impressive. She home schools all of her kids, while still making homemade meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (she even makes her own bread!). I have no idea how she finds the time or the energy. And finally she seems so content and happy with life. On the other hand, I am constantly bitching about something.

Regardless of our differences, I think she is great. She is an inspiration really. I wish I could be that good at everything. And she comes up with these really clever ideas - like reusable fabric gift bags. I never would have thought of that, but it is a great idea. We could reuse these bags every year and eliminate all of the mess and expense of wrapping paper. Now I just need to buy some fabric and learn how to sew!

Also, one day I was reading through her comments, and noticed that someone mentioned using cloth menstruation pads, like these. I think this is another great idea. I like the idea of saving money and helping the planet at the same time. But alas, I am much too lazy to actually use this product. However, I still think it is a great idea. I know that you guys love using cloth diapers for your babies, but do any of you use cloth "diapers" for yourself? If so, are you happy with them?

In summary, The Happy Housewife has lots of great ideas on her blog. Too bad that I am too incompetent and lazy to utilize those ideas.


Kate Coveny Hood said...

I can't tell you how many times a day I think about how much I wish I could sew...

I've never heard of the cloth maxi pads before... I'll have to look that up.

Kris said...

Hmmm... have I seen her blog before? Cant remember... Need to check that out.

Cloth pads? Not yet... I bought a diva cup a few months before my cycles came back after Kalila. I love the thing, but found out after a few months that I am going to want to use pads on some days... was gonna buy them but figured out making costs less.. but havent been able to yet... No choice now though, need them for postpartum!

Lainey-Paney said...

Um, yeah, there are these little ummm...cup-like things that you can insert into yourself to collect your menses instead of a tampon....

Rachel said...

I think I am pretty good. We have not bought one toy-which is better than we were doing at one time--well I lie-I guess we buy lots of little cars at the market..but I will have yo check out her website..I can only be so frugal. lol