Friday, April 17, 2009

A day at the farm

I took the kids to the farm this morning. It was sooo fun. I had no idea that the farm could be so entertaining.

Getting out of the house made me feel better about about my fat ass. Tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow I am throwing all the damn Easter candy away. Wish me luck!


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Be strong! That candy is no good!

Cute kiddos :)

Kris said...

Aww.. Looks like fun!

I have a feeling our Easter candy is gonna get thrown too. Everything from the eggs is a choking hazard for the baby and most of it has gelatin in it (Kalila and I don't eat pork products).

The only thing edible was some cakes an aunt made for my bday, very cute decorated like bunnies... I ate one and all was well until I got to the candy buttons... I don't know if they were gum or what but so grossed out that I can't even look at the other cake!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Good for you. But throw the candy out before you go to bed (while it's at its least appetizing). Can you tell I've done this before?

Anonymous said...

Farms are awesome! I'm glad you could get out and enjoy a nice day with the kids.

I'm feeling the exact same way about my fat ass.....ugggh!

Laura Marchant said...

The hubs just pitched all our candy was the only way out, lol.

amanda said...

looks like tons of fun friend!

and good luck with the easter candy...i know you can do it!!

Amanda said...

Glad you 3 had a nice day out ~ and I'm sure you will feel better when all the sweets are thrown out!

Just Jiff said...

Looks like you guys had a good time!

Send the candy my way. :)

Christy said...

After you throw it out, pour liquid soap all over it so you can't retrieve it from the trash.

I would love to know where that farm is! Email me! Love your photos!

Clare said...

the pictures of the farm are great!! sometimes it doesn't take much to snap us out of our funk:)

dani said...

i hope it is working for you, christy... we still have a hershey's "bliss" rabbit left here on the lane; then our easter candy will all be gone:P