I am thinking about chronicling a night with Izzy on my blog. He is the most wakeful baby. I think you'll be shocked by his eating habits at night. I know I am. He feeds so much at night, that I was starting to doubt my milk supply. So, I decided to pump yesterday. I got 3 ounces! I was super excited, because when I started pumping with Porgie I got less than an ounce. But apparently 3 ounces isn't enough for Izzy, because my little baby nursed ALL NIGHT again.
This might be a bad plan, but I was thinking about pumping, and feeding him a bottle before bedtime tonight. If I could feed him a big 6 ounces bottle, maybe I could get more than 30 minutes of continuous sleep. What do you think? Is it too early to introduce the bottle? He will be three weeks old on Friday. I probably shouldn't do it, but the prospect of sleep is so appealing.
And these photos are for Shannon...
I just love the blue picture, so cute and sweet. Is porgie carring around a "baby"?
I don't understand the "too early to introduce the bottle" question. I thought the controversy was over breast milk or formula, not the way the baby gets it......could you clue me in? I'm still doing my prep research.....
Some babies experience "nipple confusion." If introduced too early, some babies prefer a bottle nipple to mama's nipple.
My lactation consultant says that as long as you have a good nursing relationship established (good latch, etc) then you should definitely start a bottle around 2 weeks old. Otherwise you may have issues with them wanting to accept a bottle. My son had an issue with the bottle around 3 months old and now my daughter doesn't like taking one either when I'm not home (also, ironically 3 months old). But the LC said that if a baby is truly hungry, they will eventually eat from it.
Sounds like you and Izzy are a good nursing team so definitely introduce that bottle! That way you can go out once in a while or take a nap and hubby can give him a bottle if you miss a feeding.
He's such a snuggle bug! How's Porgie doing with everything?
Gage never slept like other babies when he was little.
And, he wanted to nurse every 15-45 minutes. We really had to work at getting him on a feeding schedule.
We used bottles & nursing interchangeably. Gage was fine with both breast milk in the bottle and at the breast. He was also okay w/ supplementing w/ formula. He just liked to EAT!
so freaking adorable and GIANT! we are already letting codi have a bottle of breast milk here and there. i did one just to see how much he drinks and can you believe he took 4 oz. brandon used to take 1-2 maximum. and then he had one when i really needed a shower and he woke up. so i've been trying to pump some milk at least twice a day so that when i go back to work my coworkers can help me feed him if i'm on the phone or something and he starts wailing. anyway doing the bottle only once a day hasn't affected our nursing at all so far but i dont do it every day either yet. sometimes i pump and get 1 oz and sometimes i pump and get 3-4 but i am doing it just to build up my milk supply and my freezers supply. he has such a pretty color to him too i can't believe how big he looks compared to codi. but he is adorable. looks calm is he calm. also the reason some babies prefer the bottle is if its a faster flow and they get more, so i suggest finding the slowest flow bottle so it isn't so easy for him to get more faster then he would form you
OMG he is so cute.
Max was a nurser-up every hour unless he slept on me or next to me and then he could make it for a few hours. Bottle should be fine- I don't know I did not try it until he was 2 months old and I pumped and went out for a few hours etc. I would do what you need to do to get some sleep.
My eyes! My eyes!
Too precious! Could it be that Izzy is hitting his 3 week growth spurt? Every time Anjali hits one of her growth spurts, it kicks my ass and is still such a shock at first.
Hang in there and remember take care of yourself!! This is such a tough time of year anyway and it cannot help if you are having the baby blues and having two to take care of now. Remember to do little things for yourself when you can squeeze them in.
Granted I'm not a momma yet but I hear a lot from my amigas and I say do what you gotta do.
Both of your kids are sooo adorable! I would definantly give the bottle a try cuz you deserve a decent amount of sleep!!
Hes so cute!
I do remember the continuas feeding at night, i used to pump at night the same time as tosh fed him, built me up a massive supply and also i knew he was getting plenty of milk so i then didnt worry he wasnt eating enough.
Awwww......adorable photos. Oh My God. I can't believe you are nursing every hour on the hour. I pumped with my 2nd because he never did latch on right. And I didn't pump for long because I had to go back to work after 6 weeks but I felt like every little bit I could do would help. I hope you find a solution. I am thinking of you. :)
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