Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting ready

During the first three month after I gave birth to both Porgie and Izzy, John and I were completely unable to cook dinner. I was tired and stressed and overwhelmed, so I didn't even really consider cooking. I eagerly gave that responsibility over to John. Of course, he was tired and stress and overwhelmed too, so we just ended up eating out ALL THE TIME. That my friends, is a very expensive habit.

With this baby, I would prefer not to throw money away on fast food every single night. So, I am going to attempt to prepare a few weeks worth of meals and freeze them. I have some dishes in mind, but I am not sure if they all freeze well (like the mac n' cheese). If you have any advice or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Here is my list of meals so far...

Chili (x2)
Lasagna (x2)
Cincinnati style chili (x2)
Marconi and cheese
Broccoli casserole
Tamale Pie
Gnocchi (x2)
Pizza dough (x2)

If I can successfully make all of these meals before the big day, we should have at least two weeks worth of meals. By that point the baby will be about a month old (because John will be home to cook during the first 2 weeks). Then (hopefully) I'll be able to resume my normal cooking duties without too much fuss. I also want to have at least 6 loaves of bread baked and in the freezer.

Wish me luck. I have lots to do before the big day!


Jenny said...

That is definitely a good idea. I was just thinking of doing the same things. It sounds like most of those freeze well. Another one that feeds a lot and freezes well is shepards pie. I am thinking of making a batch of tomato sauce and freezing that because you can make so much with it. Another good one is Marie Calendar's chicken pot pie, it is really good and its already frozen. I'll be doing this in September, so I am curious to see how your dishes turn out. Good luck!

Kris said...

I don't think I can add an recipes for you since we eat meat here and most of our freezer meals have it (example my fav is chicken pot pie). I wanted to do this with ZJ's pg and since we hadn't moved yet, couldn't. It sounds like such a good idea though.

Btw things like pasta I wouldn't worry about. Not only are they not the best freezer meals, but so easy to make that you can do them when you're feeling up to cooking, but not enough for a huge meal. Freezing purees to add to stuff like that is an idea though!

Good luck!

April said...

I am doing this too! I have one week left until my scheduled c-section. Already bought my groceries this weekend so I just need to get cooking. I'm also making breakfast items as well (muffins, breakfast burritos, smoothie cubes) so we have some variety or even use as snacks.

amanda said...

dude that is an awesome list!! i know you can do it!! seriously if anyone can rock out all that food/baking - it's you!!

Clare said...

I think this is a great idea!! i know that i freeze chili and soup all of the time, so i am sure they would do great! i'm not sure about the others:)