Thursday, March 4, 2010

The minimum wage worker

I needed laundry detergent yesterday, so I packed up the kids and headed to the grocery store. When we arrived, I noticed a huge sign in the lobby that advertised 20% off of all purchases. I thought, "Hmmmm...that is strange," and I continued on my merry way.

Half way through the trip I realized that something was wrong. The shelves were nearly bare. I stopped to ask a worker why everything was in disarray, and she told me that the store was closing in one week. Oh. I continued on with my shopping trip, but my stomach was tied in knots.

I hate that the poor people are the ones who are hurt the most by the economic downturn. These people have shitty jobs, low wages, little or no health care. And to top it all off, they are the first people to lose their jobs when things aren't doing well.

I couldn't help but get a little teary eyed as we said goodbye to the mean old black lady, who has a soft spot for my kids. I wanted to hug the ditsy young cashier, who talks WAY TOO MUCH. I wanted help the old guy who collects carts in the parking lot. I like these people. And I am sad that they won't be working in our neighborhood anymore.


Kris said...

:-( So sad...

Just Jiff said...

Makes me sad, too. Especially when all the asshat CEOs of failed companies got bonuses from our bailout that are larger than these people will ever make in a lifetime.

That was a long sentence but I know you get my meaning.

Nonnie said...

It really is sad. I pray things like this come to an end soon and things in this country can get back to normal!

Unknown said...

That's always sad. In our old neighborhood apparently EVERYthing is gone now. Makes me miss it less!

amanda said...

ok not lying - but seconds after we got off the phone this morning we passed our new grocery store and beans was all excited about going and i had to explain to her that it was closed (lasted seven months). she loved it there. i loved it there. soo. sooo. stinkin sad. these are peoples lives!

Laura Marchant said...

It's so tough right now.