I know that they call it the "terrible twos," but honestly I did not expect my son to suddenly be such a pain in the ass. Izzy is proving to be a very difficult toddler. He can scream. I mean SCREAM. He wants to do everything by himself. And he screams if he can't accomplish the task independently. He doesn't like to nap anymore. And he screams for an hour everyday from 1pm to 2pm. EVERY DAMN DAY. He is obsessed with wearing Porgie's bathing suit from last summer. And when I try to dress him appropriately, he screams. I have been tempted on more than one occasion to just let him wear the fucking bathing suit to the grocery store (Of course, someone would call CPS on my ass. Can you imagine? A 2 year old little boy wearing a pink bathing suit outside in the middle of December.). And finally, he has gotten really bad about biting. Where in the hell did he learn this behavior? And more importantly, how do I stop it? Izzy is driving me insane. Everyday we face the same battles. He never seems to learn his lesson. Time-outs are useless. Yelling certainly doesn't work. And there is no redirecting his behavior - he is a stubborn little thing.
Now let me move on to Porgie. OH MY FREAKING GOD. The child has learned how to change her clothes - the whole nine yards: shoes, pants, socks, and shirts. She changes her clothes approximately 583 times per day. Every time I turn around, she is wearing a different outfit. This is one of the most annoying phases we have been though. I love that she can dress herself, but the laundry is overwhelming. I have a mountainous pile of laundry sitting in my basement right now. And even if I washed it all tonight, I would have another huge pile by tomorrow evening. She literally wears her entire wardrobe in the course of one day. It has gotten to the point where I have considered putting baby-locks on all of her drawers.
This post doesn't really have a point, so I am not really sure how to end it. I just wanted to let you know that I suck at this whole parenting thing. And my kids are annoying. The end.
As I mentioned, a friend had a similar problem with her little girl, so she locked all the clothes away, and it mostly worked. (Then the little girl would just raid the laundry).
As for your little boy, I'm sure that can't last long. I have no advice. Good luck!
I have heard good things about the book 123 Magic - my kids are still too young but everyone in my mother of twins group swears by it! Good luck :)
Laundry is the bane of my existence.
Bayley is a screamer too. And whines. Drives me bonkers.
Hugs... You've seen my post on this subject already lol. Kalila is starting to get better, I'm not sure why but so happy about it... I hope Izzy gets through the stage quickly too! & I've heard several people mention their girls doing the clothing change thing. I'm not looking forward to that..
Ummmmmm, Why do you wash it again if she only had it on for a little bit? Why not hang it back up if it doesn't have goo all over it? I'm just asking.......
i love your posts, so honest!! bradley hasn't figured out the whole changing himself thing, but he can be very stubborn. we had to sit outside for half of the little gym time. it was exhausting. you never know what will set them off.
get rid of the bathing suit, and hide porgie's clothes;)
We all have these days. This am my kid screamed for 40 mins because his blue shirt with the car on it was dirty. ugh.
oh and that meant we had to wash it and do a load of laundry-the kid has enough other shirts but no the blue shirt with the car....
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