I put Izzy to bed at 7:30 every night. He wakes up around 11 pm, 1am, 3am, and 5am. This waking schedule is enough to make me go bat shit insane, but there is even more fun happening at night. When Izzy wakes around 3am, he wants to party. He thinks it is time to get up for the day. I realize that he is just getting over an ear infection, but I am still exhausted and frustrated and EXHAUSTED.
And to top things off, we are all sick too - sore throat, runny nose, cough. It is fun times in Cakerwakerville. FUN TIMES.
And because I am a horrible mother, I let my child do this all day...
oh boy. no sleep.
that really sucks. and i know saying that totally doesn't make you feel better.
maybe he's teething at the same time?? my kiddos always seemed to get ear infections and teeth around the same time.
wishing you lots o' sleep, coffee and good children's programs. ('cause i'm all about tv babysitters, as long as it's not soap operas.)
I am getting spoiled. I hve two that will sleep through the night now. So nice. The little one used to wake up at least twice because he is used to sleeping with either his mother or sister, not his own bed. Now he LOVES his own big boy bed. Thinking of you and the ZZZ's you need!
Don't worry about it. My kids watch far too many dvds - and it has nothing to do with me being exhausted.
To answer your question on my last post - my kids are 18 months apart - so it's very similar!
poor thing! to be sick too. so sorry to hear this. the only suggestion that i could offer: cry it out. we did it with both of ours kids and they are both awesome sleepers. it's hard to do though, but we did it early. boy do they need thier sleep. they need it or they are rotten! and my kids watch tv too. i keep it educational and i do think that it's making my oldest into a smart, musical, dancing, problem solving, hilarious child. noggin rocks.
TV is a godsend, especially when you are DEAD EXHAUSTED and need 30 minutes to close your eyes on the couch.
No judgment here.
My son didn't sleep through the night until he was 16 months old. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I wanted to say ... I understand. And I'm sorry.
i think this whole sleep thing is bigger than i ever knew. i mean i knew when she was first born we wouldn't sleep. but now??
i think it's actually harder. once sleep comes back into your life, you get comfortable. then this wake up in the middle of the night screaming thing starts happening and your like whoa hold up!!
i feel you sister.
i say go push repeat and go lay down on the couch.
i know easier said than done - but we can dream right?
I second the last comment. Once we get it back we expect it... I feel for ya too though because Sat night Kalila pulled the waking up 4 times bit. I wasn't pleased... thankfully she only did once (at 11)last night, I'm hoping Izzy does the same soon (or better yet that they both sleep through completely tonight!)
As for TV... Which is worse? Having them watch the kids shows all day or having our stuff on? I watch way too much tv... Am finally letting go of a bit of it so Kalila can watch some educational stuff... and trying to turn it off completely more too. Thankfully, while she does like some shows, for the most part she goes around playing w/ her toys instead of sitting in front of it lol. Maybe she'll overcome the thing despite me lol..
um I babysat other's kids today using my favorite babysitter - the tv. :)
hang in there.
no sleep = no good!! I'm sorry!! and don't feel bad about using the TV as a babysitter - hey, you needed a little break and you're entitled!!
Oh, no! Sleep troubles are the worst... especially when they come BACK after you think you're out of the woods -- it's like your body and mind finally relaxed, and then BAM! It's rough, and I definitely feel for you.
Don't worry about the tv. The fact is that you can't take care of your babies unless you've taken care of yourself. And if that means extra tv time some days because you're about to lose your mind? Well, in the end, it'll be fine.
We're all guilty of letting our kids watch TV on occasion -- sometimes more than they should. Don't beat yourself up about it.
BAH! TV is highly under-rated!
I hope you're feel'n better soon!
I feel ya, sister.
It totally sucks, doesn't it?
Makayla's getting up about 4 times a night now too.
Not fun.
I'm always exhausted.
If you need to chat, I'm here for ya....
It will get better within a week or two. If not, mail them here and I'll give you a break.
Oh the lengths we go to for a break, huh? My kids watch TV most days after school and I dont care.
I had that two weeks ago. I felt horrible...that cols was the worst. As for sleep-yeah I remember those days and I will be having them soon enough. Hang in there.
Oh man, you totally deserve to rant. And you're not a horrible mommy, just one that needs some quiet time. Hope you and the rest of the clan feel better soon!
Ellie watches tons of cartoons and movies... whatever. Sometimes mommies just need a break. Don't be to hard on yourself.
no sleep sucks, and tv rocks!!! hopefully you'll soon have both sleep and tv:)
Oh honey me too. High recommendations... for sure.
Hope you get a whole nights sleep and feel better sooner rather than later!
Sleep deprivation is toture :/
Amanda x
( we love mr. t.v. too )
Nothing wrong with tv... and especially if it gives you some semblance of sanity back. :)
Wish I could help you out. Sleep is but a distant memory for most moms. :(
Dude- we are all sick too over here- and I am getting on a plane today with my snot-nosed child to go and visit my parents. Oh- and I have been up since 3AM since that is when Cole decided to get up for the day. Exhausted doesn't even BEGIN to describe me state of being. OH ANNNND: My child WILL NOT watch tv. I have tried so hard to get him to watch a video here and there so that I can have a break- all to no avail. (SIGH)
Oh dear ~ I remember those days ~ Lauren is 6 and she still wakes up at night sometimes ~ but she just comes and gets in with me ha ha !!
Hope you are all feeling better soon and you get some sleep!!
love and hugs XXXX
Given the lack of sleep and the sickness, everybody can watch TV all day. During any illness of anybody, including the dog, we suspend all rules in the house. Should be a fun winter.
oh i am sooo sorry! i remember once bradley was sleeping so well and then we would have a few bad weeks I would totally go insane!! I hope that you guys are all feeling better, and totally don't feel bad about the TV, it works and you are tired. we are only human!!
I could blog about sleep everyday!! I hope you get soem rest soon. Even though I swear up and down I won't let E see any tv I still cave in in order to rest or get things done.
Alessia has been doing the same thing lately. And on top of it, she won't go to my husband. I have to go get her or she won't go back sleep without nursing. No fun!
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