Monday I had my 37 week check-up. I decided to schedule the appointment in the morning and to take both kids with me. I thought we would go in, listen to the heartbeat, and be on our merry way. Instead, we spent nearly 2 hours at my doctor's office.
Remember when I told you that my belly has measured small throughout this pregnancy? Well, the people around me kept mentioning that I was "so small!" at 20 weeks, yet the baby measured completely normal. By 24 weeks my doctor also joined in on the fun, declaring that I was several weeks behind on my belly measurements. The doctor continued to fret when my measurements stayed behind week after week. I was scheduled for a growth scan at 32 weeks to check on the baby. Once again, the baby's measurements were perfectly normal. At 36 weeks, the doctor tried to convince me to do another growth scan, but I declined her offer. Why is everyone so obsessed with the size of my belly? The baby appears to be completely fine. I just felt like it would be a waste of everyone's time.
At 36 weeks, I measured 34 weeks. I've been 2 to 3 weeks behind for a while now, so I was largely unconcerned. On Monday (at 37 weeks 4 days), I measured 32 weeks. What the hell? How did I get smaller? I was baffled. My doctor looked panicked. She told me that I needed an ultrasound right away. She was afraid that my amniotic fluid was dangerously low. They rushed me (and my two children) back to the ultrasound room. I felt sorry for the poor girl who was supposed to go next, but they insisted that I didn't have time to make an appointment for another day. Although the doctor seemed very concerned, I still felt like they were making a big deal out of nothing.
30 minutes later we learned that the baby appears to be in the 70th percentile (!) for growth and that my amniotic fluid was on the low end of normal. Not dangerously low, but also not abundant. But because my amniotic fluid was on the low end of normal, I am afraid they are going to want to do another ultrasound next week to recheck the fluid levels. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I want to make sure the baby is healthy, but I feel like the doctors are trying to find a problem to justify my small measurements. I honestly don't think there is a problem. My belly has consistently measured small, yet the baby has always measured normal. That is just the way this pregnancy has progressed and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. I feel like if they go searching for problems, they are eventually going to find some reason to make me go to the hospital early. And I don't want to have this baby early.
It is all very frustrating and overwhelming. I want the baby to be healthy, but I also want him/her to be fully cooked and ready for life on the outside. I would also like for my mother to be here to watch Porgie and Izzy, so that I can have a less stressful hospital stay. So, this baby needs to stay put for a few more weeks. I've been drinking water like it is going out of style, hoping that my amniotic fluid levels will be higher next week. I am seeing a different doctor on Monday, and I have my fingers crossed that he will have a more laid back approach to this problem.
I know I am not HUGE, but I don't think I look tiny either. I am actually pretty happy with my cute little baby belly. Here is me at 38 weeks...