Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Frugal living

As you know, we have been trying to live a frugal lifestyle for the past 8 months. It has been hard, but we are now credit card debt free! And I don't intend to ever use credit cards again. Our next debt goal is paying off a home equity loan. Although I am excited to start our next adventure, I have been feeling a little burnt out on living frugal. I just wanted to go out to eat. And maybe buy a new shirt or two.

Since we decided to stay home for our vacation, John and I splurged a little. We drove to the ocean 4 times and to the lake 2 times, and spent a ton of money on gas for the van. We ate out 5 (!!!) times, and I didn't agonize over the cost. I went to Old Navy, and I bought the kids some new clothes for next summer. I am not going to lie, it felt good to spend money. Maybe a little too good.

I find it disturbing that I get so much joy from spending money. But I definitely feel happy when I am shopping. This week we are back to the daily grind - living frugally, eating at home, and limiting our out-of-town driving. I am kind of excited to get back to normal, because spending all of that money last week felt a little reckless.


kristi said...

I lost my job and my unemployment is about to run out..ugh. I am trying to get the kids clothed for school on a budget. I have found some great buys though. THANK GOD! I need a job!

Carrie said...

I have an extra account that is my spending account. Every month after I pay for everything else, I put what is left over in that account. When I feel the need to spent, I spent what is in that account. That way I don't feel guilty about shopping.

Stephanie said...

We are living like that right now and it is definitely an adjustment. The only extra spending I have done is $100 on school clothes...and I pinched every penny to get what I got for the babes. But awesome having no credit card debt. We are almost there!

amanda said...

so glad you got a week to splurge!!

Clare said...

wow!!! congrats on being debt free, that is awesome!!!

Kris said...

Understood. It gets old fast. We've been able to splurge here and there lately (usually eating out lol) and it feels good to do it, but I know we need to tighten back up like we were before. You know what I'm doing w/ my need to shop? I'm sure you've seen it on my blog lol. The giveaways :-D Its kinda fun finding them and I used to never think I won anything until I started doing them.

Congrats on the credit card btw! Very nice!

Kate said...

Being frugal doesn't mean not enjoying life. it just means spending wisely and if eating out makes you happy and you can afford it then thats you spending your money wisely, so go ahead and enjoy.