Friday, November 7, 2008

I have no balls

I haven't mentioned it in a while, but Izzy is still seeing his GI doctor on a regular basis. I largely think that she is an ineffective doctor, but I take him to the check-ups anyways. Without fail, I am always disappointed when I leave her office. To illustrate this point, I am going to highlight details from our last visit.

Our appointment was scheduled for 2:45pm on Thursday. This was an awful time, because it was in the middle of Izzy's afternoon nap. He had only been asleep for a mere 30 minutes before we had to leave for our appointment. We arrived on time, but had to wait 30 minutes before being called back. I was angry. Why did I have to ruin our routine to accommodate her schedule?

When we were finally called back, the doctor asked me which formula I was feeding Izzy. I informed her that I was still breastfeeding. She looked at me like I had 3 heads, and asked me when I planned on weaning. I informed her that I had no intentions of weaning anytime soon. But she kept pressing for a weaning date. Finally, feeling frustrated, I told her I was going to nurse until his second birthday. She basically told me that breastfeeding wasn't beneficial after the 1st year. Why does she care if I continue to breastfeed my baby? I understand that it makes her job harder, but shouldn't she be encouraging my efforts?

Apparently, I also need to feed him whole milk instead of soy milk, he needs to eat more green vegetables, and he should be sleeping through the night. AHHHHH! This woman drives me INSANE.

At the end of the appointment, I told her that I didn't think Izzy was benefiting from these visits. However, she insisted that he come back in 3 months. And because I am a wussy, I made another appointment. What is wrong with me?


Laura Marchant said...

Our first doctor we had was horrible. I didn't realize how bad she was until I finally got fed up enough to switch. Seriously it is like heaven with this new doctor. If you lived by me I would totally recommend her.

Anonymous said...

Can you go to someone else and get a second opinion? I mean, you should feel comfortable with your doctor...

Izzy sure looks like he's thriving to me.... ;)

Kris said...

UGGGH!!! I just got frusterated for you... We're planning to (hoping too) make it to Kalila's second bday & the thought of a dr giving out misinformation annoys me (although I've heard of it before).

Isn't milk one of the things that bother him? (sorry I could be thinking of someone else) If so you'd think she'd know that right?

I just ignored the paper our pedi gave about when babies should start sleeping through the night. Basically it said that if they wake up to refuse to nurse and lay them back down. That just doesn't set right to me.

Personally I'd either find another dr or something... wouldn't go back. But I can understand why you gave in too... she's a "dr" and we want what's best for our kids.

jen said...

yeah...i totally agree. you need to get more balls. and i'm only saying that 'cause you said it first.
we have an amazing dr. anyone else we see when she is gone... isn't.
you are the one making the decisions for your child. a dr. should support you. end of story.
there are so many others out there that would agree with you. breastfeeding through the age of 2 is completely acceptable. babies sleeping through the night is a misconception. soy milk is fine.
funny, that my beloved dr. has told me all of the above...
there is no one set way of doing things. you as the mama are the most important team member. your dr. should be there as support personnel.
i say...buck up...find someone else. the hardest thing to do is leave. i had to do it initially...but finding our current doc is the best reward. keep searching. go when nothing is wrong. call and ask questions before meeting someone new. perfectly acceptable ways of finding a new dr. i think you know what you need to do. records can always be transferred...but making sure you have the support is top priority.

Amanda said...

I wonder if this Dr handing out her advice actually has children of her own??!
He is your baby and your doing a great job ~ don't let anyone make you feel that your not!
Amanda x

Antropóloga said...

You don't gotta go back. Just cancel the appt. I've done that a bunch. Good for you for standing up to her. Very impressed.

What, do people think milk magically loses nutritionally value at 1 year? And cow's milk doesn't? Whatever.

Madge said...

this is the hardest thing. i have had so many conflicts with pediatrians/specialists over the past ten years. i have changed doctors a couple of times. just keep following your instincts.

Cristina Mathers said...

i did not like avery and ellie's ped at all. she was very clinical and very blank for lack of a better word. she MADE me take avery to hospital to be treated for jaundice and the nurses even said they didn't think she needed it (about 10k later). i decided on a whim one day that i wanted to see the nurse practitioner instead for a well checkup. it was the best decision i've made in a long time. crummy docs suck!

nicole said...

i totally know how you feel. i say change doctors and find one that let's you be the mom and just diagnoses illnesses and prescribes medicine! i get so annoyed when they go through the "are you parenting your children correctly" questions. every child is different and as long as you're not abusing them, it's your choice how to parent them!

Rachel said...

I would have made another apt too and then canceled it on the way home. I think you are just doing what you think is best fort your baby. No need to give whole milk. Give soy milk and nurse until whenever you want. It is still beneficial after 1 year. She does not know what she is talking about.

She sounds like she has one stuck up her butt and also, she is of the frame of mind that she cannot deviate from anything she learned in school-the fricken food pyramid. I hate doctors like that. I saw one allergist at CHOP like that and never went back after I told Maxs doctor about our visit.

And hey Max has never been a good sleeper. Some kids are and some kids are not. Screw her Christy. You are an awesome mom.

Danielle said...

she sounds like a moron to me. Who tells someone to stop breastfeeding?

Tabitha said...

Goodness ~ she doesn't sound very nice at all!!
Maybe you could just ring and cancel the appointment and never go back ha ha !!!
love and hugs XX

Tabitha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

This doesn't sound like a good situation, I'm sorry :( Is there another doc you can see for him instead?

Mama Smurf said...

I think you should find yourself a new GI doctor!

anymommy said...

Ugh. And hi! Finally catching up. I say, switch doctors until you find someone you can talk to. It's important. And also, my ped and the la leche league people say that there is a second smaller boost of immunity at 18 months for breast feeding toddlers. So pbbbbsstttt to dr. pushy. I don't think anyone should feel pressured to breast feed beyond a year (or any time), but it is perfectly wonderful and MANY people think it's beneficial!!

Nellie said...

Yikes. I'd cancel that appt and find another dr who supports you wonderful decision as a mommy to continue breast feeding. Yikes.

dani said...

gosh, christy, sometimes we have to trade bedside manner for competency, but from what you say, i think you may be getting a bum deal all the way around with your ped???

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a bully and probably rarely hears the word "no." Go check out this post.

Anonymous said...

MiniMe had reflux and didn't sleep through the night consistently until well after his second birthday. I hate doctors who think there's some magic formula for when kids should/should not do things.

I am soooo impressed that you still breastfeed. The doctor should have applauded you for that commitment.

Just Jiff said...

I found a website that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until age 2. So there you have it. I think they are more qualified than your opinionated GI doc.

amanda said...

uhm i don't like your doctor. for real. totally not cool.

we kinda had the same situation. uck doctor. and i was to scared to find a new one. finally we did and it was the BEST decision we ever made.

you can do it!!

Jen said...

Maybe you should just call and cancel? Maybe try another doctor?

Dana said...

i too might try another doctor or atleast ask for another opinion!! hang in there!

Clare said...

i didn't know he was seeing a gi person. why does she want you to go? she sounds totally unsupportive of you and what you want for your baby! i am sorry, i would hate to miss nap for that!!