So, it snowed again. Gah! I used to freaking love the snow, but now? Not so much. Snow means we have to stay home. Snow means that my kids want to go outside in the freezing weather every 20 minutes. Snow means too much clothing - boots, coats, gloves, scarves, hats, etc. I think it is official. I am no longer a winter person. I prefer the fall now. Isn't it strange how kids change your entire way of thinking - even your likes and dislikes? So, this weekend was boring. And this week is probably going to be boring too. Fucking stupid winter.
Now lets get to the real reason for this post...

Is it just me, or is Hello Kitty flipping me off?
Definitely looks like the bird!
I think she is supposed to be poutily putting her finger to her mouth but SHE HAS NO MOUTH!.
Good luck with the snow. Wuss! (Says the person living in Sweden.)
We are snowed in down here in Charlotte. i though I left snow when I left Jersey- guess not.
she heard you hated snow!! lol!! it totally looks like that, the snow is missing us, and i am happy about it!!!
dude she is totally flipping you off!
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