Saturday, May 5, 2007


I am feeling a little run down lately. Once again sleep deprivation is kicking my ass. I find myself dozing off while Porgie is playing on the floor. I find myself dozing off whenever Porgie watches Sesame Street. I find myself dozing off while feeding Porgie a bottle. Yet, I often find myself wide awake in the middle of the night.

Seriously, I think I am developing a sleep disorder. I have lots of trouble going to sleep at night - even though I am extremely tired. When I do finally go to sleep, I wake up at the drop of a hat. After Porgie wakes up for a bottle (which happens multiple times a night), I lay awake in bed for hours. When the morning finally arrives, I am exhausted. This is becoming a major problem because it is negatively affecting all aspects of my life.

I often fantasize about taking Tylenol PM.

I just want sleep. I just want a long, peaceful slumber.

Although I am thrilled about being pregnant, I am scared to death. How am I going to function with two babies and no sleep? As you can see, I can barely function with one.

John is truly a great guy. I think he can tell how horrible I have been feeling. Our basement has three small rooms that are finished off. Until now, each room was filled with boxes that we never unpacked after the move to New Jersey. Last weekend he cleaned out one of the room, so that I could sleep on the foldout couch - away from crying babies and snoring husbands. Unfortunately, the couch was so uncomfortable that I ended up getting even less sleep.

So, things are not so good right now.


Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

You poor thing - hang in there.

I tend to get insomnia when I am pregnant - I wonder if that is happening to you, as well?

Ashley said...

It sounds like things are really hard right now. I will say, for me, it was much harder being pregnant and taking care of Aiden then it is having two.(energy wise) Both my kids wake up multiple times a night and I am exhausted during the day but at least I am actively doing something for my two children and not just having the energy zapped from me because my growing fetus is sucking the life out of me! LOL I can also now drink copious amounts of coffee. Seriously, your body is dealing with a lot of change right now. I hope you get some sleep and things start to look up!!

Amber said...

I feel for you! I know how it is to be tired and dealing with small people too! I hope things start to look up for you soon :-)

misguidedmommy said...

dude, eat when you wake up at night, have something yummy and filling like a peanut butter sandwhich and you should be able to sleep really well after that! I'm terrified also of having two....TERRIFIED!

Margo said...

Maybe getting some advice from your doctor might help. Try and at least get as much rest as you can even if you don't fall asleep, you know, prop your feet up for a while on the couch and stuff like that. Take it a day at a time. You must have a lot on your mind. As my mom always says, "this too shall pass." Hugs.

tifferny said...

i wish there was something wise i could say. :( i'm so sorry you are dealing w/ sleep deprivation on top of being pregnant (which also can make one very sleepy). oh and i hate sleeping on the couch. i always wake up w/ back cramps.

Anonymous said...

I agree--eat at night! Keep food in your room if it helps you. A full tummy helps me sleep for sure, same as a baby.

By the time #2 comes you'll probably have a good thing going with little Miss P, and #2 will be a good sleeper. I mean, if there's any justice in the world.

You deserve sleep. Do whatever you have to do to get it. Hotel even.