Monday, May 21, 2007

Stereotypes are kind of funny

I like to believe that I am an open-minded person. I appreciate people of all colors and backgrounds. However, we have all heard racial stereotypes before. We know what they are, but we try not to mention them.

So, John and I were driving through Philadelphia last weekend. John decided to take a "new route", which basically means that we drove aimlessly through the streets. We were in a rough part of Philly, when I witnessed some pretty funny shit.

First, we were at a stoplight, when a black man approached the corner. Guess what he was eating? A piece of fried chicken. Kind of funny.

A few blocks down, I saw a black woman walking down the street. She was also eating. Guess what she had? A piece of watermelon. John and I both chuckled.

A few more blocks down, I saw a Hispanic woman and her child walking down the street. Guess what the kid was wearing? A sombrero. At this point, we were both laughing hysterically.

What are the odds of seeing this many stereotypes on one street?

When John and I got home, we were talking about all the weird things we had witnessed in one day. I asked, "What would be a good stereotype for a white person?"

John responded with, "I guess judging and stereotyping other people." So I guess we were being stereotypes too.


  1. You two sure know how to have fun!

    Funny cause it's true.

  2. Thats funny, that what we see on TV about america, i know its not like that at all.

  3. I, for one, cannot even FATHOM the idea of walking down the street while eating. DUH!

    Also, You were in Philly & didn't let me KNOW??? Oh, sorry. That sounded kinda "stalky" didn't it?
