Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Our Christmas was nice this year.  We didn't go to Kentucky, which always makes things feel a little boring, but it was still nice.  None of the kids were sick, everyone loved their presents, and I baked a shit load of cookies.  Good times, good times.

I got incredibly lazy over Christmas break, and now I am having a very hard time getting back into the swing of things.  I've been eating horribly, I can never seem to get caught up on laundry, and I have decided that cooking is for the birds.  I know I'll get back into my groove soon, but right now I just want to lay on the couch and watch mindless television. 

Since we didn't go back to Kentucky for Christmas, we are going to go back in the Spring.  I kind of get annoyed with going to Kentucky every year.  We have to board the dog (which is expensive), it takes us 12 hours to drive there (which is pure torture with 3 children), the hotel is expensive, eating out for every meal is expensive, visiting the local attractions is expensive, etc.  As a result, we never get to go on a real vacation.  We spend all of our vacation money on Kentucky.  And in case you don't know, Kentucky is not the most exciting or interesting place to visit.  In short, I am soooo over Kentucky.  If it wasn't for my family, I would totally never go there again. 

And speaking of my family, can I tell you how annoying it is when no-one comes to visit us in New Jersey?  Because it is very annoying.  My cousin C hasn't came since 2011 when Guppy was born, my mom cancelled her trip this year, and no-one from John's family has EVER visited us.  Yet, they all harass us constantly to make the trip home to visit them.  What is up with that?  They want to see us, but no-one seems to want the inconvenience of actually traveling to see us.

Anyways, we are planning the trip, and I am dreading it.  I think we should skip Kentucky this year and just go to Hersey Park instead.  We could go to Chocolate World!  And that my friends, sounds like heaven on Earth.  And the best part?  It is only 2 hours from my house.  I totally need to make that happen. 

Okay that is enough rambling for one night. 


  1. I would make them come to you. Just saying!

  2. family sucks like that don't they? hubs mom has only been out here once and we almost begged. then she found out her favorite comedian was going to be in chicago and she bought plane tkts to come!! ugh.

    but chocolate? well there is nothing as good as chocolate. i made a new recipe today - total flop but it still was chocolate. so i am still calling it a win!

    for the record chocolate almond butter does not substitute for nutella :)

  3. seriously...i say just plan a fun vacation. you cannot always be the one loading up the kids. Hershey park would be amazing!!!

  4. I know the feeling - I live in southern CA, you'd think my house would be full of visiting family. Not. Oh well.

  5. Cousin C is coming in January.

  6. Also, Cousin C thinks you have been really lazy with your blogs.
