Monday, January 24, 2011


* Grandma has agreed to a three week stay in the hospital for rehabilitation. At first she was refusing physical therapy. Why are old people so stubborn and ridiculous?

* I have a cold. My throat hurts, and I have a runny nose.

* John and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Friday. We went out to dinner and ordered an appetizer and dessert! We haven't done that in FOREVER. It felt frivolous and wasteful to spend so much money on food, but it also felt really good to order whatever we wanted.

* I took the kids to the Please Touch Museum last week. SO MUCH FUN!

* Our washing machine was repaired today - to the tune of $200. So in case you are wondering, over the past week we have spent nearly $700 repairing broken crap around here. Our budget has been shot to hell.

* It is cold as a bitch in NJ. The high today is 19 degrees. Brrrrr!

* I skipped storytime this week. I just could not muster the strength to bundle up both kids on a frigid Monday morning to listen to a story. Instead, I baked some bread, folded some laundry, and cleaned the bathroom. It was surprisingly refreshing to just stay home.

* I baked some pumpkin cookies. They turned out very cake-like, but they were still yummy. I also made vanilla cupcakes with chocolate icing. And then John bought me some butter-creams for our anniversary. I can feel myself getting fatter right this very instant.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Oooh, appetizers AND dessert.

    Glad your grandmother is mending.

    Get better, too!

  2. *glad grandma decided to stay. i have no idea why they are so stubborn.

    *hope you are feeling better!

    *happy, happy anniv!!

    *sometimes those stay at home days are the best kind.

    *i can't stop baking. and being home all day with baked goods? so so so not a good idea.

  3. i love appetizers and desserts. LOVE THEM. Appetizers are just naughty. They are always melty or fried or cheesy or mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  4. Happy Anniversary (belated)! Hope everyone's doing better... and the cookies sound good!
