Friday, January 14, 2011

Mood: Blah

Gosh, I suck at this whole blogging thing. I promised myself that I would blog M-F this week, yet somehow I completely missed Wednesday. Darn! I blame the weather. I have been in a mood lately. Not a mean, nasty mood or a depressed, melancholy mood - just a general feeling of BLAH. It is infecting every area of my life. Do you want to go to the Target? Blah. Do you want to talk to you mother on the phone? Blah. Do you want to play in the snow with your children? Blah. You get the idea. Nothing sounds fun or interesting or even remotely engaging.

To break up all this blahness, here are some random facts for little old you...

* My children won't nap anymore. Ever since our trip to Kentucky, they just party during nap time. I have mixed feelings about this.

* For the life of me, I cannot stay on top of the fucking laundry. It has gotten to the point where I am considering buying new clothes instead of washing the ones we currently own.

* I ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's the other night. THE WHOLE PINT! I thought it would make me happy, but instead I just felt horrible about lack of willpower.

* My husband had to work late on the one night he is responsible for cooking dinner. You have no idea how much this annoyed me. What are the odds? Why does the world always conspire against me?


  1. You seriously could be describing my week (only I ate a batch of cookie dough) and when my family is looking for something clean to wear, I direct them to the dining room table or the top of the dryer or the laundry basket in the corner of the living room. Everything just feels a little "off" and very BLAH! Here's to hoping we snap out of it soon!

  2. Jersey always left me blah in January. It's one of the reasons we moved.

  3. Hugs

    That pint of Ben & Jerry's sounds good right now. I finished mine off too though. And Jas would not be happy if I stole his.

    Hope things turn around for ya!

  4. I totally hear you...except I ate a huge bowl of cookies and cream frozen yogurt!

  5. great now i need some ben & jerry's

    hoping next week is less blah...

  6. wanna unblah
    have just uploaded the worlds most embarrassing video blog, please come by and vote, who is right? Me or my husband?
