Monday, January 3, 2011

Breaking Routine

I like routine. I like things to be the same. So big events, like traveling to Kentucky, can really throw me for a loop. Last week, even after we unpacked all of our stuff, I still felt completely off-kilter. John was on vacation, the house was a wreck, and my children seemed to be in the worst moods EVER. By Sunday evening, I couldn't wait for Monday morning to arrive.

Monday morning meant that life would finally return to a normal state of affairs. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my family and having lazy days at home with my husabnd. But I also love my routine. Although I would like to tell you that we are sticking close to home today, we are starting a new class at the local nature center. I was thinking of skipping this first class, but I know that the kids will love it, so we are going.

However, on Tuesday, we are totally getting back to our routine. AND I CAN'T WAIT!


  1. we are starting our routine again this morning and it is nice! off to school:) i hope you had a great vacation, sorry i have been just chilling and taking a bit of bloggy christmas break myself!

  2. We had a good routine going when I was in school, but now we seem to be in a PJ-and-TV routine which is not so good for us.

  3. i am with you, i love my routine and when i am throw off, i hate it! glad you are back though...

  4. i am a sucker for routine. i don't do well without it. but not going to lie - having hubs home this last week and a half has made the routine better! gotta love an extra set of hands (even if the hands don't know the "right way" all the time and you end up redoing said thing anyways)!!
