Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ballet sucks ass

Dance class. God damn mother fucking dance class.

I am soooo over ballet class. But more importantly, Porgie is soooo over ballet class. Today was dress rehearsal for the preschool ballet class. I dressed Porgie up in her $75 costume. At the teacher's request, I even applied a little makeup to her beautiful face. When we arrived at the studio, Porgie was radiating with pride. She twirled and danced around the lobby, happily showing everyone her cute costume.

I typically wait for Porgie in the lobby. There are two televisions in the corner where parents can watch lessons while they are in progress. But today the teacher invited the parents up to the classroom to watch the dress rehearsal. Shortly after entering the classroom, I realized that my daughter is a horrible student. HORRIBLE. And frankly, it kind of pisses me off.

My child refused to stand on her mark. She didn't follow the teacher's instructions. She was in the way of the other students. In general, she was just being a little pest. It took everything I had not to yank her ass out into the hall and give her a stern talking to. I sat through her "performance" (which involved all of the other little girls dancing, while Porgie stood stiff and ridge muttering about her distaste for dancing), and I felt deeply embarrassed. My daughter was the only one not listening. The only one not participating.

Usually I refrain from talking about her progress in dance class, but today I told her the truth. I let her know that I was disappointed with her performance. I am getting sick of these silly games she is playing. If she didn't understand the concepts or if she was painfully shy, I wouldn't be angry. But Porgie is just being stubborn and willful. The other little girls in the class have worked so hard on their dance routine. It isn't fair that my child is ruining the entire performance. I don't want to be one of THOSE moms, but I feel like she needs to start participating or we need to drop out of this activity.

I came home in a sour, nasty mood. Fucking dance class. Fifty dollars a month for nothing but trouble.


  1. oh hell honey. so sorry. which isn't enough to fix it i know, but i really am sorry.

    and i am sure this won't make it better either, but once i was talking about lilly being stubborn and willful and i said it was going to be the death of me. a wise friend pointed out that when she is older - those traits will come in handy.

    i hope for both our sakes she is right!

  2. Man...that stinks. I was that kid too...and I ended up liking sports more. Maybe its just not for her.

    Sorry friend.

  3. Expensive way to find out she doesn't like something, huh? Sorry, pal.

    I am afraid I will endure the same with Bayley when she's old enough. She's only 2 now, but she is VERY willful and stubborn. :(

  4. Maggie has been taking piano since last January. $120 bucks a month. Her recital is next Thursday, she's playing "Morning Mood"by Edvard Greig. I had her play it for me last night as a preview, she SUCKS!! We decided that after the recital, she will NOT be taking piano lessons anymore. Over $2,000.00 pissed away.

  5. That sucks. My girl has not been impressing me with her awesome behavior lately sometimes, too. Kiddos, sigh.
