Thursday, November 5, 2009


Izzy loves food. Seriously, he will eat almost anything. There is no poking or prodding to encourage him to eat - he devours everything we offer him. Oddly enough, Izzy really enjoys snacking on frozen foods - frozen peas, frozen tater tots, frozen soy beans, and last, but certainly not least, frozen blueberries...

But Porgie? That child will not willingly eat anything. She needs to take a few lessons from her awesome baby brother.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Frozen tater tots? Hmmmm... gotta try that one. Miss S eats anything and everything too.

  3. You do realize that with those sweet soulful eyes---your phone is going to be ringing off the hook in a few years with all of the swooning giggly girls calling your house....
    May the force be with you!

  4. My little girl is more like Izzie. Very convenient.

  5. i really hope my next baby is like this!! bradley has to be bribed to try anything new. it is so annoying and exhausting!!

  6. what is it with the frozen blueberries?? beans LOVES them!!

    i love that she loves them. but hate that she has blueberry fingers for days!!

  7. Boys seem to be better eaters than girls, in most cases. If he's teething, the frozen stuff feels really good on his little swollen gums. :)

    He's too precious.

  8. Haven't tried frozen blueberries here (unless you count in frozen yogurt) but frozen grapes were a big hit... Of course I ate more than Kalila did lol.

  9. I swear that looks like so much fun. Nether of my kids have been huge baby eaters. I love Izzy

  10. can you please send him to my house so he can talk to codi and explain how awesome eating really is!
